[Michael Schlenker] has very succinctly stated the need for a rich standard library for Tcl in several usenet postings http://groups.google.com/groups?q=g:thl2123827996d&dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=c5mb9q%242pd6o%241%40ID-102549.news.uni-berlin.de http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=c5n813%243913h%241%40ID-102549.news.uni-berlin.de He says: Tcl has two competing groups in the discussion: The embedders that are concerned about startup time, library size, memory footprint and things like that on the one side, the "batteriers-included-huge-stdlib-in-the-core" fraction on the other side. Those targets are impossible to reach at the same time. So instead of making it a problem, try to create a virtue. a) Let the embedders factor out as much functionality as possible from the core into a modular stdlib b) Let the batteries group add as much useful functional as required into a modular stdlib ... and ... - Integrated, cross platform build system (TEA or better) - Useful documentation, probably doctools based - Stubs enabled if at all possible (sometimes hard or near impossible to achieve) - Export their own stubs table if their functionality could be useful - BSD license - Provides fundamental extra functionality (Thread, msgcat, XML, ASN1, TclX/Registry/ffidl/Twapi, KBK's localized clock, Datastructures, One or more OO-Systems, RPC-Support, TLS/Crypto,... ) To which I ([davidw]) would add: - The package should have a maintainer. - I would prefer to have one and only one OO system. Experimentation in this area has gone on for long enough. We need to provide something practical that works, for the "get it done" crowd. So, what shall we do to make this a reality? Something along the lines of: * Draw up some guidelines using this page. * Create a SF project * Decide on initial packages * Add code to CVS * Beat compile system into shape One of the things we will need to decide is what code to include directly in CVS, and which to import into the build system from other sources. Having seen tcllib in action, I do like the idea of having the source collected in one place, with the possibility of accessing different modules, as in tcllib, to foster "cross-pollination" and interest in the common library as a whole (maintainers fix bugs in packages that aren't necessarily their own). Anyway, just added this to keep the ball rolling. --- [daapp]: yet another library ... Every advanced Tcl programmer has their own stdlib :( Maybe it would be better to concentrate efforts on modules building system and network archive with automatic building and installation? I meet with Tcl/Tk in 1999, before I meet with [UNIX] and [Perl]. Since this time I trace the evolution of Tcl and these observations disapoint me sometimes very much. I will try to explain why. I differentiate a Language and a Toolkit. I think that Tcl is a very good Language: it has simple and consistent syntax, it is not overloaded with different features, but the best Toolkit is not [Tcl], it's [Perl]. Why? Because it's simple (yes, simple as a Toolkit!) and very effective. What do I mean? I mean the next: * standard automated mechanism to create new modules and it's distribution (h2xs for example) * one network archive with all available modules * standard mechanism to work with this archive (upload, search, download and build with dependencies) * often small Perl application consist of some '''use''' pragma and few lines of code Development with [Perl] is very comfortable, despite of heavy and difficult [Perl] syntax. I like to develop in [Perl], but I would like to develop more using [Tcl]. But when I remember how much work I need to do to install all the modules I need :(, I often switch to [Perl], too often. Only when I need to make GUI do I use Tcl. I would like to call Tcl community to direct efforts not at yet another standard library, but at automation of the development process: * build module system * central network archive * easy installation module procedure Look around, we have an interpreter at version 8 but we have no normal development environment (I don't mean IDE or RAD)! Success of the Language depends on the Toolkit very much, look at [Perl] for example. No [Python], neither [Ruby] or other popular scripting language approach to [Perl]. I know about [Cantcl] and [ETEN]. They both look like unused and dropped. Why? Maybe because no documents in the standard Tcl distribution describe how to use these archives. '''I call to members of TCT: please direct your attention to creation and maintenance of a network repository and module building system; at the current stage of Tcl evolution it's more important for future of Tcl. More important than the Language itself now.''' ---- [SC]: [CANTCL] hasn't seen active development in a while mainly because I've not had time to work on it but also because no-one else seems to be interested. My enthusiasm might be enhanced if even one other person stepped forward to contribute to the project. I will work on it again when time permits at least for my own purposes, but that probably won't be until mid-year. ---- About libraries: I think there is no need in yet another library; the better idea is to split the current tcllib into smaller parts - network part, text processing part, ... Small notes: [smake] can be a base for something like Makefile.PL in Perl. [CriTcl] can be a base to replace autoconf and automake which are too complex. ---- [LV] writes: so the intent of this page (other than the excellent comment by daapp) is that a parallel distribution to tcllib, for compiled extensions, is needed? Is that what is meant when the term "modular standard library" is used? And the intent there, I suppose, is to create a source library (or a binary library) which contains basically a set of extensions that those working on the project see as essential to most Tcl programming? And for the most part, the initial work is to be centered not on writing new extensions, but to work with the authors of existing code, where possible, to organize code into a single downloadable file that can be compiled. Is that a correct summary? And for those cases where extensions are already being maintained in CVS, some discussion about whether to move the code into this new project, or make use of the code where it is, needs to take place. I guess I come back to daapp's comment, and ask this question: Is the problem that people want to find entire CVS repositories and cannot find them? Is it that the code does not already reside in CVS or some other control mechanism? Or is the problem, as daapp discusses, that people want to be able to find a distribution point (ala CPAN) for releases of the code (preferably with some info as to dependencies)? ---- [schlenk] 19/04/2004 Your comments are noteworthy, but i think a bit too nearsighted. Tcl has deficiencies in its handling of module/package distribution, updating and building. This manifests in symptoms like every extension under the sun uses a different build system, a different installer, and the lack of a central archive. Take a look at the evolution of the current tcllib. A common installer is used, a common documentation format is used and a modular structure of the library is kept.Technically not far away would be features like installing only the network stuff, or only the text modules. It's basically there, SAK just needs the metadata and some lists of modules. Tcllib is nearly there, but is too small and to restricting, as it focuses just on the (important and easier) part of pure script modules and their critcl equivalents. Tcl needs an network repository in the long term, but first it needs a common build system, documentation standards and an enhanced infrastructure library. You say, Perl scripts are often some use statements and few lines of scripts and implicitly say tcl scripts are not. I doubt this. Many Tcl scripts are longer as code from libraries is duplicated, inlined, because it isn't standard and cannot be expected to just be there. In the Perl case you start the usual CPAN invocation and get the modules you want. In the Tcl case you start google or use the wiki and start hunting for the packages, fight with their build system, their installation and so on. Think of a common library not as, one large .so/.dll that contains all the useful stuff in one binary. Would be nice if the build system enabled such mega-libraries for static linking, but that isn't the target. It is more like a conventional library for books, you have a well organized collection of extensions, a general catalogue, a lending scheme, notifications of major updates to the collection and some volumes like the thesauri and dictionaries that are always present for reference and help. Add a caring librarian to the picture, and you have a better picture. As I was cited above, some extensions are fundamental building blocks enabling large fields of usage, providing services to other extensions via a stubs interface of their own. Those are precious gems that should be treated well, so they can shine and last for a long time. In my point of view a common library has to be a reliable place providing those easy to build core packages. But on the other hand those packages shouldn't be treated as absolutly necessary, just as very common dependencies. It's the need for an intermediate place, a collection of extensions that would be highly welcome in the core for many, but harshly rejected in the core by embedders wanting a tiny and modular core. I could imagine a structure for single modules like this (maybe it matches Jeff Hobbs TM proposal, i don't have a copy of that document): * package code in c and tcl * package example code in tcl and/or c * package documentation * package support data (encodings, timezone tables, msgcats, ...) * package build configuration * package dependency map The great goal would be to harmonize things like build systems, documentation formats and so on, but why not start with something Tcl is best. Glue different systems together to get a whole. Autoconf may be broken, but the TEA system basically is there and works for many extension. In the long term a Tcl based build system will probably evolve from such a collection, but it isn't the first step. Take TEA, require it as front end format, add some Tcl glue code creating the current package makefiles from a TEA system and get going. Don't waste a man year creating a brand new build system and experiencing no one using it afterwards because of design errors, user ignorance or whatever. If a system is fragile but works, someone will use it. If a system is perfect but doesn't work yet, no one will use it. Better reuse code than create all current extension build systems from scratch. ---- [Category Dev. Tools]