Version 7 of Tcl Association

Updated 2007-10-03 12:28:20 by seanw

MR: The Tcl Association was formed basically as a way to have funds from the Tcl Conferences carry over year to year, but so that it doesn't have to be one person's responsibility. So in that sense, its just about creating a corporate entity to "own" the conference over the long term. So no grand ambitions. :-)

[Clif and others. Thursday night at 13th]

[Distinct from the Tcl Consortium.]

DKF: While I'm sure I was in the room that the discussion was in, the beer was far more appealing. :-) So what follows is purely my inaccurate recollections:

  • Always have current (and previous/next?) Site Chair involved.
  • Set up as Delaware corporation (for reasons I used to know, but forgot).
  • Need a set of by-laws, but can leverage "standard packs" of them for people who want to do this sort of thing. It's hardly uncommon.

SDW: And for the 15th Annual Conference the Site Chair is Sean Deely Woods. The location will be Philadelphia (barring something odd).

[Category Community]