Purpose: to collect together references to various logos for Tcl and the Tk toolkit. ''Due to the restrictions of this Wiki, these should all be references to either GIF, JPG or PNG images.'' ---- Question: Should we collect the logos for extensions here too ? -- AK ''DKF:'' If you want. ---- See http://www.demailly.com/tcl/about/logos.html [http://www.purl.org/NET/Tcl-FAQ/tcllogo.png] http://www.tcl.tk/ [http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/gallery/Tcl_Feather.png] [http://crack.lighter.net/~rox/tclkit.ico] updated tk icon with 16 32 and 64 pixel size icons [http://www.geocities.com/pa_mcclamrock/tclogo.gif] http://www.geocities.com/pa_mcclamrock/tclogo.gif ---- Logos of various extensions to Tcl/Tk. [http://expect.nist.gov/art/cgitcl-powered-feather.gif] http://expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl/ [http://www.tcltk.com/blt/blt_logo.jpg] http://www.tcltk.com/blt/ [http://www.tcltk.com/itcl/logo_dino.gif] http://www.tcltk.com/itcl/ [http://www.neosoft.com/images/logos/tclx1.gif] http://www.neosoft.com/tclx/ [http://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/soft/trf/img/logo-120x181.gif] http://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/soft/trf/ [http://memchan.sourceforge.net/art/logo100.gif] http://sf.net/projects/memchan/ ---- [http://tcl.apache.org/logos/medium_logo.gif] http://tcl.apache.org/ [http://tcl.apache.org/rivet/Rivetlogo_smaller.png] http://tcl.apache.org/rivet/ ---- [http://www.onemoonscientific.com/images/swank238x162.png] http://www.onemoonscientific.com/swank ---- Unofficial [Tclkit] logo [http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/images/tcltk/tclkit.jpg] Other sizes here: http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/tcltk/246 ---- [http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/images/tcltk/portail.png] http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/tcltk ---- What is the story behind that logo? Who made it and what does it mean? ( Presumably referring to the memchan logo? - davidw). No. I mean the Tcl/Tk logo. The quill. - les. ''The '''quill'''? I always thought it was just a '''feather'''. Think "tickle". Nothing fancier than that.''' --[aa] ''The feather (pen) logo has to do with Tcl being a "script"-ing language.'' [FW]: Could be a double-reference. I'm wondering who designed it, since it's one of my favorite language logos (small distinction, I know) ''Apache is the '''feather''', Tcl is a '''quill''' '' [CWF] The Tcl Feather logo was designed when Tcl was still housed at Sun Labs. The Java folks got the coffee cup, and the same design group made the original feather for Tcl, for the 'tickle you with a feather' pun.