by [Mark Roseman] - 'DejaNews:'' [] ''Just a short issue this week, as deadlines beckon. Now is probably as good a time as any to mention we're looking for volunteers to take a stint at moderating Tcl-URL!, so send email if interested.'' * Jeff Hobbs provides us with a brief review of Clif Flynt's book, "Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers" (see []) * Will Duquette returns with yet another nice guide, "Will's Guide to Creating Object Commands" (see []) * A thread on attaching comments directly to Tcl procs generates a proposal for a "strict-TCL" package for stabilizing applications (see []) * Victor Wagner releases a parser to convert comma-separated values exported from databases, etc. into Tcl lists (see []) * If you're interested in asynchronous programming with threads, there's probably something in this thread for you (thread [])