[David Beckemeyer] 2007-03-06 - This is pretty basic stuff, but I've received so many cool things from this site, I wanted to give somethign back. I know OpenACS has Tag Clouds, but below is some very simple stand-alone Tcl without any dependencies that folks may find useful. Given an Array of Counts for the tags, it generates a resulting array with the 'bucket' for each tag within the range specified 1 thru N (default 7). These can then be used with CSS classes such as "tagsz1" "tagsz2" and so on. This is essentially a port of the PHP snippit I saw here: http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=1485 Here's the procedure: proc cloud_tags { cloudname {range 7} } { upvar ${cloudname}_counts cloud_counts upvar ${cloudname}_buckets cloud_buckets set tag_sizes $range set taglist {} foreach tag [array names cloud_counts] { lappend taglist [list $cloud_counts($tag) $tag] } set total_tags [llength $taglist] if {$total_tags} { # Start with the sorted list of tags and divide by the number of font # sizes (buckets). Then proceed to put an even number of tags into each # bucket. The only restriction is that tags of the same count can't # span 2 buckets, so some buckets may have more tags than others. # Because of this, the sorted list of remaining tags is divided by the # remaining 'buckets' to evenly distribute the remainder of the tags and # to fill as many 'buckets' as possible up to the largest font size. set min_tags [expr {$total_tags / $tag_sizes}] set bucket_count 1 set bucket_items 0 set tags_set 0 foreach tagdata [lsort -integer -index 0 $taglist] { set tag_count [lindex $tagdata 0] set tag [lindex $tagdata 1] # If we've met the minimum number of tags for this class and the current # tag does not equal the last tag, we can proceed to the next class. if {$bucket_items >= $min_tags && $last_count != $tag_count && $bucket_count < $tag_sizes} { incr bucket_count set bucket_items 0 # Calculate a new minimum number of tags for the remaining buckets. set remaining_tags [expr {$total_tags - $tags_set}] set min_tags [expr {$remaining_tags / $bucket_count}] } # Set the tag to the current class. set cloud_buckets($tag) $bucket_count incr bucket_items incr tags_set set last_count $tag_count } } } ---- Simple test/demo. This reads a list of tags (keywords) from stdin, counts them, and then calls the above '''cloud_tags''' procedure and generates the HTML fragment '''Tag Cloud''' proc add_tag { cloudname tag } { upvar ${cloudname}_counts cloud_counts if {[info exists cloud_counts($tag)]} { incr cloud_counts($tag) } else { set cloud_counts($tag) 1 } return $cloud_counts($tag) } while {[gets stdin tag] > 0} { add_tag testcloud $tag } # only use sizes 1-7 cloud_tags testcloud 7 puts {
} foreach tag [lsort -dictionary [array names testcloud_counts]] { puts "$tag" } puts {
} The page would need CSS classes with styles for the font sizes, such as: .tsxl1 {font-size: 85%;} .tsxl2 {font-size: 95%;} .tsxl3 {font-size: 105%;} .tsxl4 {font-size: 120%;} .tsxl5 {font-size: 130%;} .tsxl6 {font-size: 140%;} .tsxl7 {font-size: 150%;} Perhaps somebody will find this useful. ---- [Category Internet]