TLC is a Tcl package created by [Cyan Ogilvie] containing a bunch of Itk based widgets, a simple client / server rpc framework, and a mechanism for building arrays of virtual logic gates for state propagation. (and probably lots more too - I abuse this as a place to put anything I use all the time) ---- Widgets * Application - intended as the main window in the application * Border - base class for building widgets with a configurable border * Browse_treeview_flat - multicolumn listbox (using BLT::Treeview) for displaying the contents of a tlc::Datasource (with the ability to define realtime filters) * Calendar - canvas based calendar day selection widget * Calpopup - popup window containing Calendar * Checkgroup - convenience widget for building a group of checkbuttons * Clock - I can't remember. probably a clock display * Comboselect - popup window handler for tlc::Mycombobox * Confirm - simple modal dialog box that displays a custom message and waits for the user to peck OK * Dateentry - label made to look like an entry, with a lookup button to pop up a Calpopup * Datelookup - lookup button for popping up a Calpopup