Version 55 of TAO

Updated 2014-05-05 19:36:02 by hypnotoad

The TCL Architecture of Objects

Not to be confused with Tao (S), the ever changing state of the Universe, The Tao of Tcl, or The Ace Orb (TAO) [L1 ], which uses a feather icon on their web site.

Documentation and download: [L2 ]

Quick Links

  • Main Website/Fossil repository/Wiki [L3 ]
  • Development Manual [L4 ]

Tao Modules

Each of the modules is packaged as a tarball that can be unpacked into your auto_path. They are self-contained with a copy of the core and all supporting libraries (save the biggies like tcllib). Tao's only external requirements are sqlite3

  • tao - The main parser and core classes
  • taotk - A megawidget system based on Tao objects
  • tao-sqlite - A mega-object system based on Sqlite data containers

Introduction to TAO Programming

Tao is a value-added extension to TclOO. All Tao code is inheritable by TclOO and any TclOO class can be inherited by Tao. The rules of TAO are designed to make behavior predictable for very large, complex, and otherwise nasty class hierarchies. TclOO code can be fed, without only slight modification, into the Tao.

Tao Data Encapsulation