'''Tcl Assembly Language'''. Assembles into stack-based CISC [bytecode] as used by Tcl's bytecode compiler. ** See Also ** [bytecode]: [MS's bytecode engine ideas]: [The anatomy of a bytecoded command]: [Kevin's Tcl Optimization Note #1] ,[KBK] ,2012-11-21: explores the sorts of analyses that a hypothetical Tcl optimizer could apply to Tcl programs in order to improve them [Parsing, Bytecodes and Execution]: ** Description ** The toplevel commands available are * tcl::unsupported::disassemble (since 8.5) * tcl::unsupported::assemble (since 8.6) Their instruction names sometimes differ slightly: '''disassemble''' indicates the length of the argument in bytes (I suppose), while '''assemble''' figures that out itself from the data.Examples: ======none push1 0 - disassemble: push the first local literal, 1-byte pointer/index 0 push hello - assemble: push the literal "hello": put it in the literal list, use its index ====== What disassembles as ======none (0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" ====== shall be assembled as ======none load x ====== Also, ''done'' that appears at the end of disassemblies is a "bad instruction" (or, expressed friendlier, a pseudo-instruction like END in the old days) for ''assemble''. As usual, Tcl's [introspection] helps in learning about TAL: ======none % tcl::unsupported::assemble help ====== ======none bad instruction "help": must be push, add, append, appendArray, appendArrayStk, appendStk, arrayExistsImm, arrayExistsStk, arrayMakeImm, arrayMakeStk, beginCatch, bitand, bitnot, bitor, bitxor, concat, coroName, currentNamespace, dictAppend, dictExists, dictExpand, dictGet, dictIncrImm, dictLappend, dictRecombineStk, dictRecombineImm, dictSet, dictUnset, div, dup, endCatch, eq, eval, evalStk, exist, existArray, existArrayStk, existStk, expon, expr, exprStk, ge, gt, incr, incrArray, incrArrayImm, incrArrayStk, incrArrayStkImm, incrImm, incrStk, incrStkImm, infoLevelArgs, infoLevelNumber, invokeStk, jump, jump4, jumpFalse, jumpFalse4, jumpTable, jumpTrue, jumpTrue4, label, land, lappend, lappendArray, lappendArrayStk, lappendStk, le, lindexMulti, list, listConcat, listIn, listIndex, listIndexImm, listLength, listNotIn, load, loadArray, loadArrayStk, loadStk, lor, lsetFlat, lsetList, lshift, lt, mod, mult, neq, nop, not, nsupvar, over, pop, pushReturnCode, pushReturnOpts, pushResult, regexp, resolveCmd, reverse, rshift, store, storeArray, storeArrayStk, storeStk, strcmp, streq, strfind, strindex, strlen, strmap, strmatch, strneq, strrange, strrfind, sub, tclooClass, tclooIsObject, tclooNamespace, tclooSelf, tryCvtToNumeric, uminus, unset, unsetArray, unsetArrayStk, unsetStk, uplus, upvar, variable, verifyDict, or yield ====== Lots of help for the enquiring mind... - 130 instructions so far ;^) For experimenting, here are some little helpers: ====== interp alias {} asm {} ::tcl::unsupported::assemble interp alias {} disasm {} ::tcl::unsupported::disassemble #-- Code a proc in Tcl, see how its bytecode disassembles: proc aproc {name argl body} { proc $name $argl $body disasm proc $name } ====== Execution happens immediately, if the asm command is not in a proc body: ====== % set x hello hello % asm "push $x;strlen" 5 ====== Some more examples how to experiment with TAL instructions (error messages are good teachers ;^): ====== % asm {push 1;expon} stack underflow % asm {push 2;push 3;expon} 8 % asm {push 2;push 3;over 1;expon} stack is unbalanced on exit from the code (depth=2) % asm {push 2;push 3;reverse 2;expon} 9 ====== This one failed my expectation (I wanted a test for lists of length 0): ====== % proc lempty lst {asm {push lst;listLength;push 0;eq}} % lempty a 0 % lempty {} 0 % proc lempty lst {asm {push lst;listLength}} % lempty {} 1 % lempty a 1 ====== Lesson learned: "push" takes a constant as argument. To dereference a (proc-local) variable, use "load": ====== % proc lempty lst {asm {load lst;listLength;push 0;eq}} % lempty {} 1 % lempty a 0 ====== Or start writing the smallest macro assembler in the world - [masm] :^) I could have learned that by disassembling the equivalent Tcl proc: ====== % aproc f x {expr {[llength $x] == 0}} ByteCode 0x0x88b7640, refCt 1, epoch 15, interp 0x0x88af7a0 (epoch 15) Source "expr {[llength $x] == 0}" Cmds 2, src 24, inst 7, litObjs 1, aux 0, stkDepth 2, code/src 0.00 Proc 0x0x8965c60, refCt 1, args 1, compiled locals 1 slot 0, scalar, arg, "x" Commands 2: 1: pc 0-5, src 0-23 2: pc 0-2, src 7-16 Command 1: "expr {[llength $x] == 0}" Command 2: "llength $x" (0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" (2) listLength (3) push1 0 # "0" (5) eq (6) done ====== which as input to '''assemble''' would have to be converted to ======none load x listLength push 0 eq ====== The classic ''sign'' (of a number) example in TAL, corresponding to ''expr {$x>0 - $x<0}'': ====== % proc sign x {asm {load x; push 0; gt; load x; push 0; lt; sub}} % sign 42 1 % sign -42 -1 % sign 0 0 ====== This illustrates how braced vs. non-braced [expr]essions are byte-compiled differently: ====== % aproc f x {expr {$x+1}} ByteCode 0x0x93492f0, refCt 1, epoch 15, interp 0x0x92c07a0 (epoch 15) Source "expr {$x+1}" Cmds 1, src 11, inst 6, litObjs 1, aux 0, stkDepth 2, code/src 0.00 Proc 0x0x935b298, refCt 1, args 1, compiled locals 1 slot 0, scalar, arg, "x" Commands 1: 1: pc 0-4, src 0-10 Command 1: "expr {$x+1}" (0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" (2) push1 0 # "1" (4) add (5) done % aproc f x {expr $x+1} ByteCode 0x0x93492f0, refCt 1, epoch 15, interp 0x0x92c07a0 (epoch 15) Source "expr $x+1" Cmds 1, src 9, inst 8, litObjs 1, aux 0, stkDepth 2, code/src 0.00 Proc 0x0x937b8f0, refCt 1, args 1, compiled locals 1 slot 0, scalar, arg, "x" Commands 1: 1: pc 0-6, src 0-8 Command 1: "expr $x+1" (0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" (2) push1 0 # "+1" (4) concat1 2 (6) exprStk (7) done ====== See more discussion on this at [Brace your Expr-essions]. ** Examples ** [Fib in TAL], by [kbk], 2012-08-21 ** Discussion ** [CMcC]: I've put some incomplete work on tcl script generation of bytecodes here: http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/bytecode/ It dates from Apr03, and may not even compile - it's certainly incomplete. ---- [Zarutian] 2006-10-28: hmm... specifying the grammar of TAL shouldn't be hard. Backus Naur Forms: ::= [