[arezey] 16th of March 2009: t2i is the name of three separate [IRC] clients; the first t2i, the one "released" on sourceforge.net, the second t2i, a SVN-only accessible, failed t2i and a third one, an under-development t2i which would become 1.0. In this page, "t2i" refers to the third t2i, the one under development. All t2i's are my, [arezey]'s, product. t2i stands for Tcl Tk IRC (tti => t**2*i => t2i) and is meant to be a modernish IRC client for the Tcl community to compensate for example the ancient tkirc. '''Features''' t2i currently supports multi-networking, mIRC color codes and network presets, and has gui:s for banlist. More is to appear into it as it's under-development. '''Getting t2i''' t2i is available from SVN, as are it's two precessors. see http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=svn&group_id=215880. ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Internet]|% !!!!!!