[Swankguy] I've been in a flurry of work on the [Swank] canvas widget lately (to support features I need in software that uses it). Before I release the next version of Swank I wanted to organize my thoughts (and get feedback). This page summarizes some of the differences between this widget and the canvas widget in Tk (at least as compared to the last time I used it). Some, but not all of these features are in the current, release. ---- The image below illustrates some, but not all of the differences. The image is from the program NMRViewJ, written in [Java] and using [Jacl] and [Swank]. The NMR spectra are in custom canvas items, not part of the normal Swank distribution. * Gradients: Some canvas items, such as rectangles, support gradient fills. Example: -gradient "0 0 red 1 0 orange" * Textures: Some canvas items, such as rectangles, support textures (with images). * Colors can be transparent. Example, -fill "255 255 0 128" (yellow with 50% opacity * Lines can have a different style of endpoint at each end (arrow, square, circle, diamond, none). * HTML text, besides text items, there are htext items. These support many HTML items (as implemented by Java Swing HTML endowed text widgets). The image shows one text item with an H2 header, superscripts, bold and italic text. The table item is a htext item layed out using HTML table tags. *Affine Transforms. Canvas items can have an Affine transform associated with them. In the example below, the custom spectrum widgets generate what I refer to as "world" and "fractional" transforms. The transparent blue (looks purple on the red spectrum) rectangle has a "-transform world0" configuration. It's coordinates are thereby set in terms of the internal coordinate system of the red spectrum. The green rectangle has a "-transform frac1" configuration. No matter where you move the red and orange spectrum items on the canvas the blue and green ones will stay in the same relative position. * Zoom, the whole canvas has an Affine Transform associated with it, the scale of which is changed with the canvas "zoom" subcommand. This allows one to zoom the view in or out. ----- [Swank Canvas Item] The script to generate the above figure is here. ====== source ~/Development/NMRView/current/code/sandbox/objeditor.tcl toplevel .c NvSpectrumCBar .c #jscrollpane .c.s #pack .c.s -side top -fill both -expand y canvas .c.c -bg "255 255 150" -width 612 -height 792 #.c.s add .c.c pack .c.c -side top -fill both -expand y .c.c newtype spectrum starfish.cvspectra.SpectrumShape 4 .c.c create spectrum 50 50 400 400 update s.c.c.0 dataset test_0000.nv s.c.c.0 commit .c.c create spectrum 300 300 600 600 update s.c.c.1 dataset test_0000.nv s.c.c.1 commit .c.c itemconfigure 0 -fill blue -gradient "0 0 red 1 0 orange" -tags "Spectrum anno" .c.c itemconfigure 1 -fill yellow -gradient "0 0 orange 1 0 yellow" -tags "Spectrum anno" set text {


15N is useful for labeling proteins} set table {
} .c.c create htext 40 40 140 80 -fill "255 0 0 20" -text $text -tags anno .c.c create htext 240 240 340 380 -fill "255 0 0 20" -text $table -tags anno .c.c create line 200 200 300 300 -fill black -width 2 -endstyle circle -startstyle arrow -tags anno .c.c create rectangle 9 110 7 115 -transform world0 -fill "0 0 255 100" -tags anno .c.c create rectangle 1.0 0.0 1.2 0.2 -transform frac1 -fill "0 255 0 100" -tags anno ::swank::chart::addToCanvas cFig .c.c x y plot "1 2 3" "4 5 6" set item [.c.c find withtag plotFigcFig,1] .c.c addtag anno $item .c.c coords $item 0 400 300 600 ====== <>Enter Category Here