Version 0 of Sunrise and Sunset

Updated 2016-09-29 20:17:16 by ttt

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#! /bin/bash # \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

#//# # <h2>Package Noon</h2> # This is a Tcl implementation of sunrise/sunset calculation according the <b>receipe</b><br> # <a id="RECEIPE"></a> # <blockquote> # {@link} # </blockquote> # <p> # which is derived from:<br> # <blockquote> # <em> # Almanac for computers, 1990<br> # published by Nautical Almanac Office<br> # US Naval Observatory<br> # Washington, DC 20392<br> # </em> # </blockquote> # </p> # # <h2>Sunrise and Sunset Times</h2> # There are 4 different categories of sunrise and sunset times and appropriate twilight intervals. # They differ in the threshold value that denotes how far the solar disk is below the horizon. # The threshold value can be expressed by the zenith angle. # From the position of an observer the zenith can be seen as a pointer from the ground up in the sky # and an arrow can be drawn from the observers location to the horizon forming this angle. # It is quite clear that this definition depends solely on the coordinates of the location of the observer # and does not consider true horizon. # # <dl> # <dt>official Sunrise/Sunset</dt> # <dd>The official Sunrise/Sunset denotes the time when the edge of the solar disk seems to touch the horizon. # The zenith value for this kind of sunrise/sunset is available with <var>$Noon::OFFICIAL</var> (90&deg;50'). # This is also the default value for the procedures in this package</dd> # <dt>civilian Sunrise/Sunset</dt> # <dd>The civilian Sunrise/Sunset depicts the situation where the horizon is just visible (i.e. the sun is clearly below the horizon # but lights up the atmosphere). # The defined zenith value is 96&deg; available with <var>$Noon::CIVILIAN</var></dd> # <dt>nautical Sunrise/Sunset</dt> # <dd>Since on sea the horizon is earlier and longer visible there is another defined zenith angle for this situation. # 102&deg; / <var>$Noon::NAUTICAL</var></dd> # <dt>astronomical Sunrise/Sunset</dt> # <dd>When the sun is 108&deg; below the horizon the stars become visible. This zenith angle is defined by # <var>$Noon::ASTRONOMICAL</var></dd> # </dl> # @author T. Heinlein # @version 1.0 #//#

package provide noon 1.0;

namespace eval Noon {

  namespace export sunriseUTC;
  namespace export sunriseDecUTC;
  namespace export sunsetUTC;
  namespace export sunsetDecUTC;
  namespace export formatDecTime;

  # zenith controls kind of sunrise/sunset times
  variable OFFICIAL       90.8333;        # solar disk touches horizon
  variable CIVILIAN       96.0;                # horizon is still/already visible
  variable NAUTICAL      102.0;                # horizon is visible on sea
  variable ASTRONOMICAL  108.0;                # the stars become visible / will disappear

  variable D2R  0.01745329252;                # factor degree to rad i.e. PI / 180

  # formats a time given as decimal float value (0 ... 24) in HH:MM presentation
  # Regardless of the timezone offset given the resulting time is garanteed in 00 ... 24 interval.
  # @param dec  time of day as decimal number   e.g. 23.5
  # @param offset  time offset from GMT in hours (decimal) default is 0.
  # @return time in Hours/Minutes format HH:MM  e.g. 23:30
  # {@link #RECEIPE  receipe}
  proc formatDecTime { dec {offset 0} }  {
    set decTime [expr $dec + $offset]

    if { $decTime >= 24.0 }  {
      set $decTime [expr $decTime - 24]
    if { $decTime < 0.0 }  {
      set $decTime [expr $decTime + 24]
    set hours [expr floor($decTime)]
    set frac  [expr $decTime - $hours]
    set mins  [expr round($frac * 60.0)]
    return [format "%02d:%02d" [expr int($hours)] [expr int($mins)]]

  # sinus with argument in degrees
  # @param deg  angle in degrees 0 ... 360
  # @return sinus value -1 ... +1
  proc _sin { deg }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr sin($deg * $D2R)]

  # cosinus with argument in degrees
  # @param deg  angle in degrees 0 ... 360
  # @return cosinus value -1 ... +1
  proc _cos { deg }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr cos($deg * $D2R)]

  # tangens with argument in degrees
  # @param deg  angle in degrees 0 ... 360
  # @return tangens value 
  proc _tan { deg }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr tan($deg * $D2R)]

  # invers tangens returning degrees
  # @param val  value for looking up tangens 
  # @return tangens value in degrees 0 ... 360
  proc _atan { val }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr atan($val) / $D2R]

  # invers sinus returning degrees
  # @param val  value for looking up sinus 
  # @return sinus value in degrees 0 ... 360
  proc _asin { val }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr asin($val) / $D2R]

  # invers cosinus returning degrees
  # @param val  value for looking up cosine  -1 ... +1
  # @return cosinus value in degrees 0 ... 360
  proc _acos { val }  {
    variable D2R;
    return [expr acos($val) / $D2R]

  # given a date calculates day of the year 1 ... 365 or 366 
  # step 1 from (**)
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @return day of the year (count from 1st January)
  proc _dayOfYear { y m d }  {
    set n1 [expr floor(275 * $m / 9.0) ];
    set n2 [expr floor(($m + 9) / 12.0)];
    set n3 [expr (1 + floor(($y -4 * floor($y / 4.0) + 2) / 3.0))];
    set N  [expr int($n1 - ($n2*$n3) + $d - 30)];
    return $N

  # calculate a time base for sunrise
  # step 2 from (**)
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param longitude  longitude
  # @return base time of day for calculating sunrise (decimal)
  proc _sunriseBaseTime { y m d longitude }  {
    set N [_dayOfYear $y $m $d]
    set longH  [expr $longitude / 15.0];        # from step 2: Longitude in hours (24h -> 360 deg)
    set bt [expr $N + ((6 - $longH) / 24.0)]
    return $bt

  # calculate a time base for sunset
  # step 2 from (**)
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param longitude  longitude
  # @return base time of day for calculating sunset (decimal)
  proc _sunsetBaseTime { y m d longitude }  {
    set N [_dayOfYear $y $m $d]
    set longH  [expr $longitude / 15.0];        # from step 2: Longitude in hours (24h -> 360 deg)
    set bt [expr $N + ((18 - $longH) / 24.0)]
    return $bt

  # calculate sun's true longitude
  # step 5a from (**)
  # @param timeBase a time base for sunrise or sunset
  #        (@see #_sunriseBaseTime _sunriseBaseTime
  #         @see #_sunsetBaseTime _sunsetBaseTime)
  # @return the true longitude of the sun
  proc _trueLongitude { timeBase }  {
    set M [expr (0.9856 * $timeBase) - 3.289]; # anomaly of the sun
    set trueL [expr $M + (1.916 * [_sin $M]) + (0.020 * [_sin [expr 2*$M]]) + 282.634]

    # align
    if { $trueL > 360.0 }  {
      set trueL [expr $trueL - 360.0]
    } elseif { $trueL < 0.0 }  {
      set trueL [expr $trueL + 360.0]
    return $trueL;

  # compute sun's right ascension
  # steps 5b and 5c from (**)
  # @param trueLong the true longitude of the sun
  # @return the right ascension of the sun in hours
  proc _rightAscension { trueLong }  {
    set ra [ expr [_atan [expr 0.91764 * [_tan $trueLong]]] ]
    # align
    if { $ra > 360.0 }  {
      set ra [expr $ra - 360.0]
    } elseif { $ra < 0.0 }  {
      set ra [expr $ra + 360.0]
    set Lq  [expr (floor($trueLong/90.0) * 90.0)]
    set RAq [expr (floor($ra/90.0) * 90.0)]
    set RA  [expr $ra + ($Lq - $RAq)]
    return [expr $RA / 15.0]

  # compute hour angle for sunrise
  # step 7a from (**)
  # @param lat the latitude
  # @param trueLong_sr the true longitude of the sun at sunrise
  # @param zenith the zenith in degrees
  # @return the hour angle of the sun
  proc _hourAngleSunrise { lat trueLong_sr zenith }  {
    # step 6: 
    set sinDec [expr 0.39782 * [_sin $trueLong_sr]]
    set cosDec [expr [_cos [_asin $sinDec]]]

    # step 7:
    set cosH [ expr ([_cos $zenith] - ($sinDec * [_sin $lat])) / ($cosDec * [_cos $lat]) ]

    if { $cosH > 1 }  {
      # sun does not rise this day at this location
      return "none"
    set Hrise [expr (360 - [_acos $cosH]) / 15.0]
    return $Hrise

  # compute hour angle for sunset
  # step 7a from (**)
  # @param lat the latitude
  # @param trueLong_ss the true longitude of the sun at sunset
  # @param zenith the zenith in degrees
  # @return the hour angle of the sun
  proc _hourAngleSunset { lat trueLong_ss  zenith }  {
    # step 6: 
    set sinDec [expr 0.39782 * [_sin $trueLong_ss]]
    set cosDec [expr [_cos [_asin $sinDec]]]

    # step 7:
    set cosH [ expr ([_cos $zenith] - ($sinDec * [_sin $lat])) / ($cosDec * [_cos $lat]) ]

    if { $cosH < -1 }  {
      # sun does not set this day at this location
      return "none"
    set Hset [expr [_acos $cosH] / 15.0]
    return $Hset

  # calculates the time of sunrise. Date and Time are UTC.
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param lat     latitude
  # @param long    longitude
  # @param zenith  the zenith in degrees (default is Noon::OFFICIAL)
  # @return the UTC time of sunrise as a decimal value 0 ... 24
  #    or the string 'none' if there is no sunrise at this location
  proc sunriseDecUTC { y m d lat long {zenith $Noon::OFFICIAL} }  {
    set longH     [expr $long / 15.0];                        # from step 2: Longitude in hours (24h -> 360 deg)
    set baseTime  [_sunriseBaseTime  $y $m $d $long]
    set trueLong  [_trueLongitude    $baseTime]
    set ra        [_rightAscension   $trueLong]
    set ha        [_hourAngleSunrise $lat $trueLong $zenith]

    if { $ha == "none" }  {
      return $ha;

    set t         [expr $ha + $ra - (0.06571 * $baseTime) - 6.622]
    set utc       [expr $t - $longH]

    if { $utc > 24 }  {
      set utc [expr $utc - 24]
    }  elseif { $utc < 0 }  {
      set utc [expr $utc + 24]
    return $utc

  # calculates the time of sunrise. Date and Time are UTC.
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param lat     latitude
  # @param long    longitude
  # @param zenith  the zenith in degrees (default is Noon::OFFICIAL)
  # @return the UTC time of sunrise in hours and minutes / HH:MM
  #    or the string 'none' if there is no sunrise at this location
  proc sunriseUTC { y m d lat long {zenith $Noon::OFFICIAL} }  {
    set utc [sunriseDecUTC $y $m $d $lat $long $zenith]
    if { $utc == "none" }  {
      return $utc;
    return [formatDecTime $utc]

  # calculates the time of sunset
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param lat     latitude
  # @param long    longitude
  # @param zenith  the zenith in degrees (default is Noon::OFFICIAL)
  # @return the UTC time of sunrise as a decimal value 0 ... 24
  #    or the string 'none' if there is no sunset at this location
  proc sunsetDecUTC { y m d lat long {zenith $Noon::OFFICIAL} }  {
    set longH     [expr $long / 15.0];                        # from step 2: Longitude in hours (24h -> 360 deg)
    set baseTime  [_sunsetBaseTime  $y $m $d $long]
    set trueLong  [_trueLongitude    $baseTime]
    set ra        [_rightAscension   $trueLong]
    set ha        [_hourAngleSunset  $lat $trueLong $zenith]

    if { $ha == "none" }  {
      return $ha;

    set t         [expr $ha + $ra - (0.06571 * $baseTime) - 6.622]
    set utc       [expr $t - $longH]

    if { $utc > 24 }  {
      set utc [expr $utc - 24]
    }  elseif { $utc < 0 }  {
      set utc [expr $utc + 24]
    return $utc

  # calculates the time of sunset. Date and Time are UTC.
  # @param y  year (4 digits)
  # @param m  month where January is 1 .... December is 12
  # @param d  day of month  (1 ... 31)
  # @param lat     latitude
  # @param long    longitude
  # @param zenith  the zenith in degrees (default is Noon::OFFICIAL)
  # @return the UTC time of sunset in hours and minutes / HH:MM
  #    or the string 'none' if there is no sunset at this location
  proc sunsetUTC { y m d lat long {zenith $Noon::OFFICIAL} }  {
    set utc [sunsetDecUTC $y $m $d $lat $long $zenith]
    if { $utc == "none" }  {
      return $utc;
    return [formatDecTime $utc]

} # --- end namespace