Version 3 of Subtext

Updated 2005-09-04 00:37:15

Zarutian 4. september: Subtext [L1 ] is a visual programming language and enviroment.

First raugh draft of possible implemention in Tcl:

  • a node is a autonamed variable, possible traced
  • a function is servral nodes
  array set thearray
  proc update-value {name1 name2 op} {
    if {$name1 != "thearray"} {
      error "please only use the update-value proc on the variable thearray
    upvar thearray thearray

    set from_storage [set thearray($name2)]
    if {[lindex $from_storage 1] == "data"} { return }
    if {[lindex $from_storage 1] == "function"} {
      set incoming_links [lindex $from_storage 2]
      set outgoing_links [lindex $from_storage 3]
      set program        [lindex $from_storage 4]