[[ [stubs] ; [Expect] ]] ---- stevel ... I beg to differ. In May 2000 I stubified expect 5.31.7 (with some assistance from Dave Engel) so that I could dynamically load expect as a package within a scripted document. I also submitted the patch to the old Scriptics CVS repository (id 923) and the notification was automatically posted to comp.lang.tcl. If anyone is interested, the modified files are at http://www.digital-smarties.com/pub/expect-bits.tar.gz and the original versions are in http://www.digital-smarties.com/pub/expect.tar.gz (I really should turn these into a patch). I've since made the patches available to David Gravereaux who is looking at the Expect NT port. If anyone is interested, I can make available builds for Linux and Solaris Sparc ----