Version 0 of Street-crossing with Traffic-Lights

Updated 2005-06-24 15:46:27

This is a simulation of a streetcrossing with trafficlights.

 #: Ampel.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2005-06-23
 #: Streetcrossing with trafficlights
 # See also: [Traffic lights] -
 # Todo:
 # * Timer
 # * Lights for pedestrians
 # * Buttons for pedestrians
 # * Night-cycle, Detector/Button for cars
 # * Moving Cars


  package require Tk

  proc Ampel {x y r id} {
  #: Width 20 , Height 60, Center at yellow
    if {$r eq "S"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x-10}]; set x2 [expr {$x+10}]
      set y1 [expr {$y-30}]; set y2 [expr {$y+30}]
    if {$r eq "N"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x+10}]; set x2 [expr {$x-10}]
      set y1 [expr {$y+30}]; set y2 [expr {$y-30}]
    if {$r eq "E"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x-30}]; set x2 [expr {$x+30}]
      set y1 [expr {$y-10}]; set y2 [expr {$y+10}]
    if {$r eq "W"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x+30}]; set x2 [expr {$x-30}]
      set y1 [expr {$y+10}]; set y2 [expr {$y-10}]
    .c create rect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill $::Box

    set x1 [expr {$x-9}]; set x2 [expr {$x+9}]
    set y1 [expr {$y-9}]; set y2 [expr {$y+9}]
    .c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -tags [list $id "Y" ] -fill $::Dark

    if {$r eq "S"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x- 9}]; set x2 [expr {$x+ 9}]
      set y1 [expr {$y-11}]; set y2 [expr {$y-29}]
      set x3 [expr {$x- 9}]; set x4 [expr {$x+ 9}]
      set y3 [expr {$y+11}]; set y4 [expr {$y+29}]
    if {$r eq "N"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x- 9}]; set x2 [expr {$x+ 9}]
      set y1 [expr {$y+11}]; set y2 [expr {$y+29}]
      set x3 [expr {$x- 9}]; set x4 [expr {$x+ 9}]
      set y3 [expr {$y-11}]; set y4 [expr {$y-29}]
    if {$r eq "E"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x-29}]; set x2 [expr {$x-11}]
      set y1 [expr {$y- 9}]; set y2 [expr {$y+ 9}]
      set x3 [expr {$x+29}]; set x4 [expr {$x+11}]
      set y3 [expr {$y+ 9}]; set y4 [expr {$y- 9}]
    if {$r eq "W"} {
      set x1 [expr {$x+29}]; set x2 [expr {$x+11}]
      set y1 [expr {$y+ 9}]; set y2 [expr {$y- 9}]
      set x3 [expr {$x-29}]; set x4 [expr {$x-11}]
      set y3 [expr {$y+ 9}]; set y4 [expr {$y- 9}]
    .c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -tags [list $id "R" ] -fill $::Dark
    .c create oval $x3 $y3 $x4 $y4 -tags [list $id "G" ] -fill $::Dark

  proc Blink {} {
  #: Flashing yellow for every direction
    incr ::Phase
    if {$::Phase > 0} {set ::Phase -1 }

    .c itemconfig { A1 || A2 || A3 || A4 } -fill $::Dark
    if {$::Phase < 0 } {
      .c itemconfig "Y" -fill $::Yellow  ;# all yellow lights on

  proc Cmd { {A A1} {S "-"} } {
  #: Process commands for a single traffic-light
    foreach c $S { 
      set X "$A && $c"
      if { $c=="-" } { .c itemconfig $A -fill $::Dark   }
      if { $c=="R" } { .c itemconfig $X -fill $::Red    }
      if { $c=="Y" } { .c itemconfig $X -fill $::Yellow }
      if { $c=="G" } { .c itemconfig $X -fill $::Green  }

  proc Next {} {
  #: Next step in daytime-cycle
    global Phase
    incr   Phase
    set P [expr {$Phase%8}]
   #wm title . "$Phase : $P"   ;# Debug

    if {$P==1 } { Cmd A1 "- R"  ; Cmd A3 "- R"  ; }

    if {$P==2 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- R Y"; Cmd A4 "- R Y"; }
    if {$P==3 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- G"  ; Cmd A4 "- G"  ; }
    if {$P==4 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- Y"  ; Cmd A4 "- Y"  ; }
    if {$P==5 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- R"  ; Cmd A4 "- R"  ; }

    if {$P==6 } { Cmd A1 "- R Y"; Cmd A3 "- R Y"; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }
    if {$P==7 } { Cmd A1 "- G"  ; Cmd A3 "- G"  ; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }
    if {$P==0 } { Cmd A1 "- Y"  ; Cmd A3 "- Y"  ; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }

    if {$Phase >= 8} { set Phase 0 }

  proc Night {} {
  #: Next step in nighttime-cycle:
    global Phase
    incr Phase
    set P [expr {$Phase%8}]
    wm title . "$Phase : $P"   ;# Debug

    if {$P==1 } { Cmd A1 "- R"  ; Cmd A3 "- R"  ; }

    if {$P==2 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- R Y"; Cmd A4 "- R Y"; }
    if {$P==3 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- G"  ; Cmd A4 "- G"  ; }
    if {$P==4 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- Y"  ; Cmd A4 "- Y"  ; }
    if {$P==5 } { Cmd A1 "R"    ; Cmd A3 "R";     Cmd A2 "- R"  ; Cmd A4 "- R"  ; }

    if {$P==6 } { Cmd A1 "- R Y"; Cmd A3 "- R Y"; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }
    if {$P==7 } { Cmd A1 "- G"  ; Cmd A3 "- G"  ; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }
    if {$P==0 } { Cmd A1 "- Y"  ; Cmd A3 "- Y"  ; Cmd A2 "R"    ; Cmd A4 "R"  ; }

    if {$Phase >= 8} { set Phase 0 }


 #wm title . "Ampel"
  wm title . "Streetcrossing with trafficlight"

  set canvas_width    400
  set canvas_height   400

  set a   0
  set b 100
  set c 300
  set d 400

  set Street grey66
  set Paint  grey99
  set Corner grey88
  set Box    black
  set Dark   grey33
  set Red    red
  set Yellow yellow    ;# yellow2 gold
  set Green  green3    ;# green3  "lime green"

  canvas .c -width $canvas_width -height $canvas_height -bg $Street

 # Corners:
  .c create rect $a $a  $b $b -fill $Corner
  .c create rect $c $a  $d $b -fill $Corner
  .c create rect $a $c  $b $d -fill $Corner
  .c create rect $c $c  $d $d -fill $Corner

 # Decorations:
  .c create line $b              $b  [expr {$b+100}] $b -fill $Paint  ;# N
  .c create line [expr {$c-100}] $c  $c              $c -fill $Paint  ;# S
 #.c create line $c              $b  $c [expr {$b+100}] -fill $Paint  ;# E
 #.c create line $b [expr {$c-100}]  $b              $c -fill $Paint  ;# W

 # Traffic-lights:
  Ampel [expr {$c+15}] [expr {$c+35}] S A1   ;# South
  Ampel [expr {$c+35}] [expr {$b-15}] E A2   ;# East
  Ampel [expr {$b-15}] [expr {$b-35}] N A3   ;# North
  Ampel [expr {$b-35}] [expr {$c+15}] W A4   ;# West
  set Phase 0

  frame  .f
  pack   .c .f
  button .b0 -text "Blink" -command {Blink}
  button .b1 -text "Next"  -command {Next}
  pack   .b0 .b1  -in .f  -side left

Category Toys