Version 16 of Steve Offutt

Updated 2002-11-07 18:53:35

Just your average, *over-the-hill* (50+) toolmaker, who likes to tinker with computers and programming.

I finally got around to putting something tcl related on my business website, so I thought it might be (somewhat remotely) interesting to some of those who visit the Wiki. [L1 ]

I apologize if any of you have had trouble with the tclets using Navigator. The HTML has been corrected, as of March 21, 2001. (Many thanks to Reinhard Max, who pointed out the problem and the solution, and to the regulars in the chat room!)

I am an avid follower of clt, (at least when I have a newsreader that's working), which is, IMHO, the greatest newsgroup on the web!

I am responsible for several pages on the Wiki which might be useful to the beginners and newbies:

I am also the author of TkScriptIt! [L2 ] A simple tcl text editor,with a built in interpreter and console to aid in debugging.

It allows simple cut, copy, paste, test, edit and save. I hope it may be useful to the beginners and newbies.

Current Projects

I am currently involved in developing an application to monitor/control an industrial process, utilizing tcl combined with ActiveX to communicate with/control a Programmable Logic Controller. A Screenshot of a working demo is located at

If anyone is interested in the underpinnings of this screenshot, feel free to send me an e-mail. (I am rather proud of it...) mailto:[email protected]

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