[MG] Apr 25th 2010 - After putting it off for a while, I've finally had to give in and add a spellchecker to one of my apps. Being too lazy to actually write the spellchecking code myself, it uses http://aspell.net%|%Aspell%|% for it (path near the top; you could use something else that returned data in the same format, like ispell). Here's the code, for a slightly MS-Wordish looking spellcheck widget (using ttk themed windows, and pretty much my first mildly complex use of [grid] instead of [pack], which seems to have worked OK). Screenshot taken on Win XP. [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/spellcheck.jpg] [DDG] [Hunspell] can be used as well, just replace ''aspell -a'' with ''hunspell -a''. Further package require Tk added to avoid errors if using tclsh on Linux. Still problems of lcoing the pipe after finishing the apllication. The command ====== spellcheck::spellcheck $string ====== launches the widget and spellchecks the given string, and returns a new string with any replacements/fixes made when the ''Done'' button is clicked (or the original string, if ''Cancel'' is clicked). If the `options(grab)` variable is set true, a local grab is performed when the spellcheck widget is up, stopping button/keypresses in other windows. ------ ====== package require Tk namespace eval ::spellcheck { variable options; variable spellcheck; set options(aspell) "e:/progra~1/aspell/bin/aspell.exe -a" # set options(hunspell) "e:/hunspell/hunspell.exe -a" # should work as well set options(grab) 0 } proc ::spellcheck::spellcheck {string} { variable spellcheck; variable options; array unset spellcheck; set win .spellcheck if { [winfo exists $win] } { raise $win bell -displayof $win; return; } set spellcheck(win) $win set spellcheck(string) $string toplevel $win wm title $win "Spellchecker" pack [set frame [::ttk::frame $win.frame]] -side left -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both -pady 8 if { $options(grab) } { grab set $win bind $frame [list grab release $win];# don't think this is necessary, but better safe than sorry } pack [::ttk::label $frame.top_label -text "Words:"] -side top -anchor nw set left [::ttk::frame $frame.left] pack [set top [::ttk::frame $left.top]] -expand 1 -fill both pack [set input [text $top.txt -width 50 -height 7 -wrap word -yscrollcommand "$top.sb set"]] -side left -expand 1 -fill both pack [::ttk::scrollbar $top.sb -command "$input yview"] -side left -fill y ::ttk::label $frame.bottom_label -text "Suggestions:" pack [set bottom [::ttk::frame $frame.bottom]] -side top -expand 1 -fill both pack [set tree [::ttk::treeview $bottom.tree -style "Spell.Treeview" -columns Suggestion -show {} -yscrollcommand "$bottom.sb set" -height 6 -selectmode browse]] -side left -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both $tree column Suggestion -width 50 pack [::ttk::scrollbar $bottom.sb -command "$tree yview"] -side left -fill y set right [::ttk::frame $frame.right] foreach {btn letter} [list "Done" d "Cancel" c "Replace" r "Ignore" i] { grid [::ttk::frame $right.frame$btn] -sticky ew -padx 2 -pady 8 pack [::ttk::frame $right.frame$btn.sub] -side left -anchor center pack [::ttk::button $right.frame$btn.sub.b -text $btn -underline 0] -anchor center bind $win [list $right.frame$btn.sub.b invoke] } $right.frameDone.sub.b configure -command [list ::spellcheck::finish 1] $right.frameCancel.sub.b configure -command [list ::spellcheck::finish 0] $right.frameReplace.sub.b configure -command [list ::spellcheck::replaceWord 1] $right.frameIgnore.sub.b configure -command [list ::spellcheck::replaceWord 0] $right.frameReplace.sub.b state disabled $right.frameIgnore.sub.b state disabled grid $frame.top_label -sticky w -padx 6 grid $left $right -sticky nsew -pady 4 -padx 6 grid $frame.bottom_label -sticky w -padx 6 grid $bottom -sticky nsew -pady 4 -padx 6 grid rowconfigure $frame $left -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $frame $bottom -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 1 set spellcheck(replace) $right.frameReplace.sub.b set spellcheck(ignore) $right.frameIgnore.sub.b set spellcheck(tree) $tree set spellcheck(input) $input $tree tag configure wrong -font [list {*}[font actual [ttk::style lookup Treeview -font]] -slant italic] $tree state disabled $input tag configure checking -background darkblue $input tag configure wrong -underline 1 -foreground red $input insert end $string $tree insert {} end -values [list "Please wait. Checking spelling..."] -tags wrong bind $tree {if {[%W instate !disabled]} {::spellcheck::rightClickTree %X %Y %x %y}} bind $tree {if {[%W instate !disabled]} {::spellcheck::doubleClickTree %x %y}} wm minsize $win [winfo reqwidth $win] [winfo reqheight $win] set lineNum 1 set total 0 set wroung 0 foreach line [split $string "\n"] { set corrections [checkSpelling $line] foreach {count corrections} $corrections {break;} if { $count == 0 } { $tree delete [$tree children {}] $tree insert {} end -values [list "Unable to spell-check text: $spellcheck(error)"] -tags wrong set total -1 $right.frameDone.sub.b state disabled break; } else { foreach x $corrections { incr total foreach {start word suggestions} $x {break;} incr start -1 $input tag add wrong "$lineNum.0 + $start chars" "$lineNum.0 + [expr {$start + [string length $word]}] chars" set spellcheck(suggestions,$word) $suggestions } } incr lineNum } $input configure -state disabled if { $total == 0 } { tk_messageBox -icon info -parent $top -message "All words are spelled correctly." destroy $win; return $spellcheck(string); } elseif { $total > 0 } { $tree delete [$tree children {}] $tree insert {} end -values [list "Click a misspelled word to begin"] -tags wrong $input tag bind wrong [list ::spellcheck::suggest] $input tag bind wrong [list $input configure -cursor hand2] $input tag bind wrong [list $input configure -cursor xterm] } vwait ::spellcheck::spellcheck(string) destroy $win; return $spellcheck(string); };# ::spellcheck::spellcheck proc ::spellcheck::doubleClickTree {x y} { variable spellcheck; set what [lindex [$spellcheck(tree) identify $x $y] 0] if { $what eq "cell" } { ::spellcheck::replaceWord 1 } };# ::spellcheck::doubleClickTree proc ::spellcheck::rightClickTree {X Y x y} { variable spellcheck; event generate $spellcheck(tree) -rootx $X -rooty $Y -x $x -y $y set m .m catch {destroy $m} menu $m -tearoff 0 $m add command -label "Use this word" -command [list ::spellcheck::replaceWord 1] $m add command -label "Copy word to Clipboard" -command [list ::spellcheck::copyTreeWord] tk_popup $m $X $Y };# ::spellcheck::rightClickTree proc ::spellcheck::copyTreeWord {} { variable spellcheck; set word [lindex [$spellcheck(tree) item [$spellcheck(tree) selection] -value] 0] clipboard clear -displayof $spellcheck(tree) clipboard append -displayof $spellcheck(tree) $word };# ::spellcheck::copyTreeWord proc ::spellcheck::suggest {{index "current"}} { variable spellcheck; $spellcheck(input) tag remove checking 1.0 end # Get word set range [$spellcheck(input) tag prevrange "wrong" "$index + 1 char"] $spellcheck(input) tag add "checking" {*}$range set word [$spellcheck(input) get checking.first checking.last] $spellcheck(tree) delete [$spellcheck(tree) children {}] if { ![info exists spellcheck(suggestions,$word)] || ![llength $spellcheck(suggestions,$word)] } { $spellcheck(tree) insert {} end -values [list "None"] -tags wrong $spellcheck(tree) state disabled $spellcheck(replace) state disabled } else { $spellcheck(tree) state !disabled foreach x $spellcheck(suggestions,$word) { $spellcheck(tree) insert {} end -values [list "$x"] } set first [lindex [$spellcheck(tree) children {}] 0] $spellcheck(tree) see $first $spellcheck(tree) selection set $first $spellcheck(tree) focus $first $spellcheck(replace) state !disabled } $spellcheck(ignore) state !disabled return; };# ::spellcheck::suggest proc ::spellcheck::replaceWord {replace} { variable spellcheck; $spellcheck(input) configure -state normal set index [$spellcheck(input) index checking.first] if { $replace } { set orig [$spellcheck(input) get checking.first checking.last] set new [lindex [$spellcheck(tree) item [$spellcheck(tree) selection] -values] 0] $spellcheck(input) delete checking.first checking.last $spellcheck(input) insert $index $new } else { $spellcheck(input) tag remove wrong checking.first checking.last $spellcheck(input) tag remove checking checking.first checking.last } $spellcheck(input) configure -state disabled $spellcheck(replace) state disabled $spellcheck(ignore) state disabled if { ![llength [set next [$spellcheck(input) tag nextrange wrong $index end]]] && ![llength [set next [$spellcheck(input) tag nextrange wrong 1.0 $index]]] } { # All words now spelled correctly set ans [tk_messageBox -parent $spellcheck(win) -icon info -title "Spellcheck" -type yesno \ -message "All words are now spelled correctly. Finished?"] if { $ans eq "yes" } { ::spellcheck::finish 1 } return; } else { $spellcheck(tree) delete [$spellcheck(tree) children {}] $spellcheck(tree) insert {} end -values [list "Click a misspelled word to begin"] -tags wrong suggest [lindex $next 0] } return; };# ::spellcheck::replaceWord proc ::spellcheck::finish {use} { variable spellcheck; if { $use } { set spellcheck(string) [$spellcheck(input) get 1.0 end-1c] } else { set spellcheck(string) $spellcheck(string);# no change, but set to itself to trigger vwait } return; };# ::spellcheck::finish proc ::spellcheck::checkSpelling {string} { variable options; variable spellcheck; if { [catch {open "|$options(aspell)" r+} pipe] } { set spellcheck(error) $pipe return [list 0 [list]]; } set spellcheck(error) "" fconfigure $pipe -buffering line gets $pipe ;# skip version line fconfigure $pipe -blocking 0 set return [list] puts $pipe "^$string" after 500 [list ::spellcheck::checkSpellingSub $pipe] vwait ::spellcheck::spellcheck(result) return $::spellcheck::spellcheck(result); };# ::spellcheck::checkSpelling proc ::spellcheck::checkSpellingSub {pipe} { set i 0 while { [set count [gets $pipe line]] >= 0 } { incr i if { $count == 0 || $line eq "*" } { continue; # nothing of interest } set list [split $line " "] if { [lindex $list 0] eq "#" } { # No suggestions lappend return [list [lindex $list 2] [lindex $list 1]] } else { lappend return [list [string range [lindex $list 3] 0 end-1] [lindex $list 1] [split [string map [list "," ""] [join [lrange $list 4 end] " "]] " "]] } } close $pipe set ::spellcheck::spellcheck(result) [list $i $return]; return; };# ::spellcheck::checkSpellingSub # Stop disabled treeview widgets responding to input foreach x [list Control-Button-1 Shift-Button-1 Key-space Key-Return Key-Left Key-Right \ Key-Down Key-Up B1-Motion Double-Button-1 ButtonRelease-1 Button-1] { bind Treeview <$x> [format {if { ![%%W instate disabled] } { %s }} [bind Treeview <$x>]] } # Handy debugging proc proc winover {} { return [winfo containing {*}[winfo pointerxy .]]; } catch { console eval {.console configure -font [list "Courier New" 10]} console show } # Run it set myTestString "The quik brown fox jumps over the layzee dog\nJackdaws lov my big sphincks of quortz\nFoo bar baz boing sprocket kablooey." puts "Input: $myTestString" puts "\nOutput: [::spellcheck::spellcheck $myTestString]" ====== The code for actually passing the words to aspell and reading them is slightly modified from an example on [open], which did the same with ispell. Any comments/suggestions appreciated. <>GUI | Spell Checking