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Unknow state transition: LINE -> END






INNER {returnImm {Unknow state transition: LINE -> END} {}} CALL {my render_wikit {Solving a wave propagation problem with the Tensor package} {[Arjen Markus] (7 december 2010) After a demonstration of "OpenFOAM" yesterday I knew I could not postpone 
this anymore: I have wanted to experiment with the [Tensor] package and [NAP] for a long time now, to see
how easy it is to solve partial differential equations with them.

Here is my small-scale experiment with the [Tensor] package: solving the one-dimensional wave equation.
The boundary conditions: left a prescribed excitation (h=h(t)) and right a fully reflexive wall (u=0).
The function h(t) describes a compact wave train.

Not all is settled yet, but I thought I'd wikify it anyway.

# waves.tcl --
#     Simulate a one-dimensional wave packet:
#     - Two quantities related via first-order
#       equations
#     - Initial condition: a block
#     - The boundary conditions are fully reflexive
#       - implemented via u=0 on the boundary
#       But the left boundary has a prescribed height
#     - The grid is staggered (u and h on different points)
#     Note:
#     I am not fully satisfied with the implementation of the boundary conditions. 
#     This requires further attention!
package require Tk
package require Plotchart

package require Tensor

# nextTime --
#     Compute the result for the next time
# Arguments:
#     None
# Side effects:
#     Tensor u and h updated
proc nextTime {} {

    set ucoeff [expr {$::velocity * $::deltt / $::deltx}]
    set hcoeff [expr {$::deltt / $::deltx}]
    set rfrict [expr {1.0 - $::friction * $::deltt}]

    set end   [expr {$::number-1}]
    set endm1 [expr {$::number-2}]
    set endm2 [expr {$::number-3}]
    set endp1 $::number

    # Bounds depend on the type of boundary condition - unfortunately
    ::tensor::expr "u(i=1:$endm1) = $rfrict * u(i=1:$endm1) - $ucoeff * (h(i=1:$endm1) - h(i=0:$endm2))"
    ::tensor::expr "h(i=1:$end)   =           h(i=1:$end)   - $hcoeff * (u(i=2:$endp1) - u(i=1:$end))"


# setBoundaryConditions --
#     Set the boundary conditions - almost trivial in this case
# Arguments:
#     time           Time in the computation
# Side effects:
#     Tensor u is updated
proc setBoundaryConditions {time} {
    set end   $::number
    set endm1 [expr {$end-1}]

    # A block boundary condition like this is too severe for the
    # simple scheme I implemented. So use a smoother one instead
    if { $time < 2.0 } {
        set hvalue 1.0
    } else {
        set hvalue 0.0

    if { $time < 2.0 } {
        set hvalue [expr {0.5*(1.0-cos(3.1415926*$time)) * sin(3.0*3.1415926*$time)}]
    } else {
        set hvalue 0.0

    h section 0    = scalar $hvalue
    h section $end = scalar [h section $endm1]
    u section 0    = scalar 0.0
    u section $end = scalar 0.0

# plotData --
#     PLot the result
# Arguments:
#     time           Time in the computation
#     values         List of values
# Side effects:
#     Graph is updated
proc plotData {time values} {

    .c delete data
    .c delete title

    $::p title "Time = [format "%5.2f" $time]"

    set x [expr {0.5 * $::deltx}]
    foreach v $values {
        set x [expr {$x + $::deltx}]

        $::p plot data $x $v
    $::p plot data {} {} ;# Break the line of data

    after 100 {
        set go 1
    vwait go

# main --
#     Create the tensors, store a few
#     computational paramters and then
#     run the time loop
set velocity   1.0
set friction   0.0
set number  1000
set length    10.0
set deltx      [expr {$length/$number}]
set deltt      0.001

tensor::create u -size [expr {$number+1}] -type double
tensor::create h -size [expr {$number+1}] -type double

# Initial condition
u = scalar 0.0
h = scalar 0.0

# Loop over time
pack [canvas .c -bg white -width 500 -height 300]
set p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {0 10.0 1.0} {-2.0 2.0 0.5}]

tkwait visibility .c

set t 0
while { $t < 100000} {

    set time [expr {$deltt * $t}]

    if { $t % 200 == 0 } {
        plotData $time [h]

    setBoundaryConditions $time


    incr t
Here is a snapshot:

[Snapshot wave propagation]

[TV] Yah yah, I know I've been into some interesting materials.
<<categories>>Category Mathematics|Category Example} regexp2} CALL {my render {Solving a wave propagation problem with the Tensor package} {[Arjen Markus] (7 december 2010) After a demonstration of "OpenFOAM" yesterday I knew I could not postpone 
this anymore: I have wanted to experiment with the [Tensor] package and [NAP] for a long time now, to see
how easy it is to solve partial differential equations with them.

Here is my small-scale experiment with the [Tensor] package: solving the one-dimensional wave equation.
The boundary conditions: left a prescribed excitation (h=h(t)) and right a fully reflexive wall (u=0).
The function h(t) describes a compact wave train.

Not all is settled yet, but I thought I'd wikify it anyway.

# waves.tcl --
#     Simulate a one-dimensional wave packet:
#     - Two quantities related via first-order
#       equations
#     - Initial condition: a block
#     - The boundary conditions are fully reflexive
#       - implemented via u=0 on the boundary
#       But the left boundary has a prescribed height
#     - The grid is staggered (u and h on different points)
#     Note:
#     I am not fully satisfied with the implementation of the boundary conditions. 
#     This requires further attention!
package require Tk
package require Plotchart

package require Tensor

# nextTime --
#     Compute the result for the next time
# Arguments:
#     None
# Side effects:
#     Tensor u and h updated
proc nextTime {} {

    set ucoeff [expr {$::velocity * $::deltt / $::deltx}]
    set hcoeff [expr {$::deltt / $::deltx}]
    set rfrict [expr {1.0 - $::friction * $::deltt}]

    set end   [expr {$::number-1}]
    set endm1 [expr {$::number-2}]
    set endm2 [expr {$::number-3}]
    set endp1 $::number

    # Bounds depend on the type of boundary condition - unfortunately
    ::tensor::expr "u(i=1:$endm1) = $rfrict * u(i=1:$endm1) - $ucoeff * (h(i=1:$endm1) - h(i=0:$endm2))"
    ::tensor::expr "h(i=1:$end)   =           h(i=1:$end)   - $hcoeff * (u(i=2:$endp1) - u(i=1:$end))"


# setBoundaryConditions --
#     Set the boundary conditions - almost trivial in this case
# Arguments:
#     time           Time in the computation
# Side effects:
#     Tensor u is updated
proc setBoundaryConditions {time} {
    set end   $::number
    set endm1 [expr {$end-1}]

    # A block boundary condition like this is too severe for the
    # simple scheme I implemented. So use a smoother one instead
    if { $time < 2.0 } {
        set hvalue 1.0
    } else {
        set hvalue 0.0

    if { $time < 2.0 } {
        set hvalue [expr {0.5*(1.0-cos(3.1415926*$time)) * sin(3.0*3.1415926*$time)}]
    } else {
        set hvalue 0.0

    h section 0    = scalar $hvalue
    h section $end = scalar [h section $endm1]
    u section 0    = scalar 0.0
    u section $end = scalar 0.0

# plotData --
#     PLot the result
# Arguments:
#     time           Time in the computation
#     values         List of values
# Side effects:
#     Graph is updated
proc plotData {time values} {

    .c delete data
    .c delete title

    $::p title "Time = [format "%5.2f" $time]"

    set x [expr {0.5 * $::deltx}]
    foreach v $values {
        set x [expr {$x + $::deltx}]

        $::p plot data $x $v
    $::p plot data {} {} ;# Break the line of data

    after 100 {
        set go 1
    vwait go

# main --
#     Create the tensors, store a few
#     computational paramters and then
#     run the time loop
set velocity   1.0
set friction   0.0
set number  1000
set length    10.0
set deltx      [expr {$length/$number}]
set deltt      0.001

tensor::create u -size [expr {$number+1}] -type double
tensor::create h -size [expr {$number+1}] -type double

# Initial condition
u = scalar 0.0
h = scalar 0.0

# Loop over time
pack [canvas .c -bg white -width 500 -height 300]
set p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {0 10.0 1.0} {-2.0 2.0 0.5}]

tkwait visibility .c

set t 0
while { $t < 100000} {

    set time [expr {$deltt * $t}]

    if { $t % 200 == 0 } {
        plotData $time [h]

    setBoundaryConditions $time


    incr t
Here is a snapshot:

[Snapshot wave propagation]

[TV] Yah yah, I know I've been into some interesting materials.
<<categories>>Category Mathematics|Category Example}} CALL {my revision {Solving a wave propagation problem with the Tensor package}} CALL {::oo::Obj66832 process revision/Solving+a+wave+propagation+problem+with+the+Tensor+package} CALL {::oo::Obj66830 process}




Unknow state transition: LINE -> END
    while executing
"error $msg"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render_wikit" line 6)
    invoked from within
"my render_$default_markup $N $C $mkup_rendering_engine"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render" line 8)
    invoked from within
"my render $name $C"
    (class "::Wiki" method "revision" line 31)
    invoked from within
"my revision $page"
    (class "::Wiki" method "process" line 56)
    invoked from within
"$server process [string trim $uri /]"
