**Explanation** Many forms require the selection of pre-defined options and common methods of linking that to your data is by a primary id. So, to ease the burden of my own app, I made this snit widget. Bear in mind, I'm a novice and this is my first venture into snit and into making my own widget. Please, please, please comment or update the code if you find problems. ---- [snidget] **Code** ====== package require Tk package require tile package require snit snit::widget idlabelmenubutton { hulltype ttk::frame delegate option -width to mb delegate option -direction to mb option -textvariable {} option -listvariable {} option -idvariable {} variable ids -array {} variable item_id -1 constructor {args} { install mb using ttk::menubutton $win.mb $self configurelist $args $win.mb configure -textvariable $options(-textvariable) pack $win.mb -padx 0 -pady 0 -expand 1 -fill x install mopts using menu $win.menu $win.mb configure -menu $win.menu upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar upvar #0 $options(-listvariable) listvar trace add variable idvar write [list $self id_updated] trace add variable listvar write [list $self list_updated] $self list_updated $self id_updated } method add {id label} { $win.menu add command -label $label -command [list $self update $id $label] set ids($id) $label } method clear {} { catch {$win.menu delete 0 end} } method item_id {} { return $item_id } method update {new_id new_text} { $win.mb configure -text $new_text set item_id $new_id upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar upvar #0 $options(-textvariable) textvar catch {set idvar $new_id} catch {set textvar $new_text} } method id_updated {{var {}} {args {}}} { upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar upvar #0 $options(-textvariable) textvar if {[catch { if {$idvar == {}} { return }}]} { return } if {[catch {set textvar $ids($idvar)}]} { return -code 1 "$idvar not found in idlabelmenubutton" } } method list_updated {{var {}} {args {}}} { upvar #0 $options(-listvariable) listvar if {$listvar == {}} { return } $win.mb configure -text "" $self clear foreach {id label} $listvar { $self add $id $label } $self id_updated } delegate method * to mb } ====== **Example of using it** Here is a sample of one way of using it: ====== set greetingid 1 set greeting "" set greetings {1 Hello 3 "What's Up" 2 Goodbye} ttk::frame .f pack .f -expand 1 -fill both ttk::label .f.greeting_l -text "Greeting:" idlabelmenubutton .f.greeting -listvariable greetings -width 10 ttk::button .f.greet -text "Greet" -command { tk_messageBox -message "$greeting, World!" } grid .f.greeting_l .f.greeting -padx 3 -pady 3 grid .f.greet -column 1 -padx 3 -pady 3 -sticky w wm title . "Greeter" raise . ====== You can easily take the above app and drive it from PostgreSQL for example: ====== set res [pg_exec $dbh "SELECT id,name FROM types"] set greetings [pg_result $res -list] pg_result $res -clear ====== <> GUI | Snit Widgets