Version 2 of Simple triangulation algorithm

Updated 2022-04-07 11:51:17 by APE

Arjen Markus (15 august 2005) It was surprisingly simple to implement this algorithm to construct a network of non-overlapping triangles from a set of points. But then:

  • There is no way that I can see to generalise it to 3D or more dimensions
  • There is concern for the form of the triangles (near-collinearity can cause very narrow triangles)

Anyway, enjoy!

 # triangulate.tcl --
 #     Construct a triangle network for a given set of points
 #     The algorithm is somewhat naive as that it does not
 #     guarantee any particular constraints on the triangles'
 #     form or other properties other than that they cover
 #     the convex hull of the point set, that each vertex
 #     is a point from the set and that they do not overlap.
 #     In particular nearly collinear points may cause very
 #     narrow triangles.

 namespace eval ::math::triangulate {
     variable torad [expr {180.0/(4.0*atan(1.0))}]

 # triangles --
 #     Construct the network of triangles for a set of points
 # Arguments:
 #     points    List of coordinates (each point is a list of
 #               the x and y coordinates, e.g.
 #               {{1 1} {2 3} {1 4} {5 1}}
 # Result:
 #     A list of triangles (a triangle is represented as
 #     a list of three points)
 proc ::math::triangulate::triangles {points} {
     if { [llength $points] <= 2 } {
         return -code error "The set of points must have at least three points"

     # The trivial case
     if { [llength $points] == 3 } {
         return [list $points]

     set triangles {}

     # First step:
     #     Find the topmost point
     set idx    -1
     set idxmax 0
     set ymax   [lindex $points 0 1]
     foreach p $points {
         incr idx
         set  y [lindex $points 1]
         if { $y > $ymax } {
             set idxmax $idx
             set ymax   $y

     # Second step:
     #     Find the two adjacent points on the convex hull
     set idxleft  [FindHullPoint $points $idxmax left]
     set idxright [FindHullPoint $points $idxmax right]

     # Third step:
     #     Determine which points are inside the triangle
     #     formed by (idxmax, idxleft, idxright) and form
     #     a convex arc
     set innerpoints [FindArcPoints $points $idxmax $idxleft $idxright]
     puts "$idxmax $idxleft $idxright: $innerpoints"

     # Fourth step:
     #     Construct the triangles
     foreach idx $innerpoints {
         lappend triangles \
                     [list [lindex $points $idxmax]   \
                           [lindex $points $idxleft]  \
                           [lindex $points $idx]      ]
         set idxleft $idx
     lappend triangles \
                 [list [lindex $points $idxmax]   \
                       [lindex $points $idxleft]  \
                       [lindex $points $idxright] ]

     # Now, the last step, remove the point "idxmax" and
     # repeat the procedure. Construct the list of all
     # triangles found this way.
     set triangles [concat $triangles \
                           [triangles [lreplace $points $idxmax $idxmax]]]

     return $triangles

 # FindHullPoint --
 #     Find the point on the convex hull adjacent to the given one
 # Arguments:
 #     points    List of coordinates
 #     idxc      Index of the given point
 #     dir       What direction (left or right)
 # Result:
 #     Index of the point that was sought
 proc ::math::triangulate::FindHullPoint {points idxc dir} {
     lassign [lindex $points $idxc] xc yc

     set idx        -1
     set anglehull 360.0
     if { $dir == "right" } {
         set anglehull 0.0
     set idxhull   -1
     foreach p $points {
         incr idx
         if { $idx == $idxc } {
         lassign [lindex $points $idx] xp yp
         set angle [Angle $xc $yc $xp $yp]
         if { $dir == "left" } {
             if { $angle < $anglehull } {
                 set idxhull   $idx
                 set anglehull $angle
         } else {
             if { $angle > $anglehull } {
                 set idxhull   $idx
                 set anglehull $angle

     return $idxhull

 # Angle --
 #     Determine the angle of a vector (in degrees)
 # Arguments:
 #     x1        X coordinate of start
 #     y1        Y coordinate of start
 #     x2        X coordinate of end
 #     y2        Y coordinate of end
 # Result:
 #     Angle to the x-axis
 proc ::math::triangulate::Angle {x1 y1 x2 y2} {
     variable torad

     if { $x2 != $x1 || $y2 != $y1 } {
         set angle [expr {$torad*atan2($y2-$y1,$x2-$x1)}]

         # Corner case - important mainly for tests
         if { $y1 == $y2 && $x2 > $x1 } {
             set angle 360.0
     } else {
         set angle 0.0 ;# Hm, this is a problem! Better raise an error
         error "Points are equal!"
     if { $angle < 0.0 } {
         set angle [expr {360.0+$angle}]
     return $angle

 # FindArcPoints --
 #     Find the points inside the given triangle that form a convex arc
 #     from the left to the right
 # Arguments:
 #     points    List of coordinates
 #     idxmax    Index of the topmost point of the triangle
 #     idxleft   Index of the leftmost point of the triangle
 #     idxright  Index of the rightmost point of the triangle
 # Result:
 #     List of indices
 proc ::math::triangulate::FindArcPoints {points idxmax idxleft idxright} {

     # The procedure is very simple:
     # - Remove the topmost point from the set
     # - Look for points on the convex hull of this reduced set,
     #   starting at the left point of the triangle
     # - Continue until we reach the right point
     # Note: here is an opportunity for optimisation - we
     #       need the reduced set later on.
     set points [lreplace $points $idxmax $idxmax]

     set end         0
     set next        $idxleft
     set innerpoints {}
     while { ! $end } {
         set p [FindHullPoint $points $next right]
         if { $p != $idxright && $p != $idxleft } {
             lappend innerpoints [expr {$p>=$idxmax? $p+1 : $p}]
             set next $p
         } else {
             set end 1

     return $innerpoints

 # test --
 #     Some points
 set points {{0 1} {-1 0} {1 0} {0 -1} {-2 -1} {2 -1}}
 puts [::math::triangulate::triangles $points]