Version 3 of Simple remote Tk execution - distanciel

Updated 2006-06-07 06:54:31

Remote execution software is translated into Logiciel d'exécution à distance in French. It is what distanciel (distance logiciel) means to be. 20060606 Sarnold

There are 4 files needed : 3 on the 'client', only one on the 'server'. Architecture is a bit like X Window model.

  • The 'server' is the machine on which the user interacts with a GUI. It needs wish.
  • The 'client' is the machine where the software really turns. It only needs tclsh.

The 'server' opens a TCP port 2006, waiting for 'client' requests. Currently, distanciel is just a prototype, or fun project if you like more, but it works for simple tasks.

Update to support BWidgets - 20060607 Sarnold

Client File #1 : distanciel.tcl

    namespace eval distanciel {
        variable server localhost
        variable port 2006
        variable socket
        variable delayed
        variable limit 10

        proc connect {args} {
            variable server
            variable port
            variable socket
            if {[catch {set socket [socket $server $port]}]} {
                error "cannot connect to server $server on port $port"
        proc send {args} {
            variable socket
            # write <length>,data
            set data [string length $args]\n$args
            for {set i 0} {$i < 3 && [set b [catch {puts -nonewline $socket $data} msg]]} {incr i} {
                # do nothing
            catch {flush $socket}
            if {$b} {
                error "cannot write after $i attempts"
            # read <length>,data
            gets $socket count
            foreach {script data} [read $socket $count] {break}
            close $socket
            # todo : variable handling
            uplevel $script
            return $data
        proc delete {cmd op} {
            send delegate $cmd
        proc renproc {oldname newname op} {
            send delegate [list rename $oldname $newname]

    package provide distanciel 0.1

Client file #2 : distclt.tcl

    source distanciel.tcl

    foreach name {button label frame} {
        set body {
            # creates the widget
            distanciel::send create [linsert $args 0 NAME $obj]
            # instanciates a wrapper to handle widget methods
            proc $obj {args} [string map [list OBJ $obj] {
                distanciel::send action [info level 0]
            trace add command $obj rename distanciel::renproc
            # next line causes severe errors
            #trace add command $obj delete distanciel::renproc
            return $obj
        proc $name {obj args} [string map [list NAME $name] $body]

    foreach name {
        pack place grid winfo wm destroy bind tk
        option bindtags
    } {
        proc $name {args} [string map [list NAME $name] {
            distanciel::send delegate [linsert $args 0 NAME]
    trace add execution exit enter distanciel::delete
    # some hacks
    # proc dputs {args} {puts $args}

    # because we emulate Tk, and because some megawidgets call "package require Tk"
    package provide Tk [package require Tcl]
    set argv0 [lindex $argv 0]
    set argv  [lrange $argv 1 end]
    source $argv0
    while {1} {
        after 500
        distanciel::send script

Server : distserver.tcl

        package require Tk
    proc dputs {arg} {
        set fd [open traces.txt a]
        puts $fd $arg
        close $fd
    file delete traces.txt
    set script ""
    proc recv {channel args} {
        #fconfigure $channel -translation binary
        gets $channel count
        if {[catch {set data [read $channel $count]}]} {return}
        set types {action create delegate}
        if {[llength $data]>2} {
            dputs $data
            error "internal error"
        dputs $data
        foreach {type cmd} $data {break}
        set quit no
        switch -- $type {
            action - create - delegate - script {set data [eval [linsert $cmd 0 $type]]}
            default {error "unknown request type, should be one of : $types"}
        #dputs Resp:$data
        puts -nonewline $channel [string length $data]\n$data
        flush $channel
        close $channel
        if {$quit} {
            after 1000; # here to flush network buffers before exiting
    proc action {args} {
        seceval $args
    # secure eval
    proc seceval {args} {
        if {[catch {eval [lindex $args 0]} msg]} {
            return [list [list error $msg] ""]
        list "" $msg
    rename exit __exit__
    proc exit {{code 0}} {
        callback [list exit $code]
        after 1000
    proc delegate {args} {
        switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
            exit {
                # delay exit script
                uplevel set quit yes
                return [list $args ""]
            bind {
                # the third argument to the bind command is a callback
                lset args 3 [list callback [lindex $args 3]]
            default {
                # nothing to be done
        seceval $args
    proc create {args} {
        foreach {cmd obj} [set l [lrange $args 0 1]] {break}
        foreach {opt value} [lrange $args 2 end] {
            switch -- $opt {
                -command {lappend l $opt [list callback $value]}
                default  {lappend l $opt $value}
        list "" [eval $l]
    proc callback {arg} {
        append ::script $arg\n
    proc script {args} {
        set s $::script
        set ::script ""
        return [list $s ""]

    socket -server recv 2006

Client file #3 : the test program (mytest.tcl)

 label .lbl -text "Hello Stéphane!"
 button .b -command exit -text Exit
 pack .lbl .b

or even, with BWidget :

    package require BWidget
    Label .lbl -text "Hello Stéphane!"
    Button .b -command exit -text Exit
    pack .lbl .b

How to launch it :

 # on the server
 wish distserver.tcl &

 # on the client
 tclsh distclt.tcl mytest.tcl &

See also Remote Script Execution.

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