Version 10 of Simple implementation of Real Number

Updated 2007-02-04 14:14:20

if 0 {

 experiment to make tcl understand 'a = c' mathematical commands.
 Starts with a standard command 'realnumber' and its Cmd, cget and configure scripts
 then a test script exercises it to demonstrate its 'use'.

Suggested by Numerical Analysis in Tcl }

  proc realnumber {w args} { ;# a variable
        global $w.props ;# an array of options specific to the dimValue 'class'
        # define option list and each default value
        array set $w.props {-value 0 }

        set textArgs {} ;# list of arguments not specific to the class
        foreach {opt val} $args {
                if {[array names $w.props $opt]!=""} {set options($opt) $val
                } else { lappend textArgs $opt $val }

        eval interp create $w ;# create the "procedure" w

        interp hide {} $w
        # Install the alias:
   # realnumberCmd are sub-commands for realnumber class
        interp alias {} $w {} realnumberCmd $w
        foreach opt [array names options] {
                $w configure $opt $options($opt)
          return $w ;# the original object
  proc realnumberCmd {self cmd args} {
        switch -- $cmd {
                configure {eval realnumberConfigure $self $cmd $args}
                cget {eval realnumberCget $self $args}
                "=" { $self configure -value $args }
                "?" { return [$self cget -value] }
  proc realnumberConfigure {self cmd args} {
        # 3 cases:
        # $args is empty       -> return all options with their values
        # $args is one element -> return current values
        # $args is 2+ elements -> configure the options
        #puts "Config comd $self $cmd $args [llength $args]"
        global $self.props
        switch [llength $args] {
                0 { ;# return all options 
                        set result [array names $self.props]
                        return $result
                1 { ;# return argument values
                        lappend opts [$self cget $args]
                        return $opts
                default { ;# >1 arg - an option and its value
                        foreach {option value} $args { ;# go through each option:
                                if {[array names $self.props $option]=="-value"} {
                                        set $self.props($option) [expr $value]
                                } elseif {[array names $self.props $option]!=""} {
        # access global array element for each added option. 
                                        set $self.props($option) $value
                                } else { ;#  try the default $option, $value for $self
                                        $self configure $option $value
                        return {}
   proc realnumberCget {self args} {        ;# cget defaults done by the interp cget command
        upvar #0 $self.props props ;# get local address for global array
        if {[array names props $args ]!=""} {
                        return $props($args)
        return 1 ;# [uplevel 1 [list interp invokehidden {} $self cget $args]]

  proc test {} {
        realnumber biff
        set i 1
        while {$i<12} {
                set j 1
                while {$j<12} {
                        biff = $i*$j
                        puts "$i*$j is [biff ?]" ;# or use [biff cget -value]
                        incr j
                incr i
        puts "factorials up to 14 NB greater than 16 this algorithm gets into trouble with integer overruns"
        set j 1
        biff = 1
        while {$j<14} {
                biff = [biff ?]*$j
                puts "$j! is [biff ?]" ;# or use [biff cget -value]
                incr j
  console show; update idletasks

slebetman Notwithstanding the fact that a real number in mathematics means something completely different (see Computers and real numbers) I've implemented this concept a bit more intuitively (and if you consider lines of code, also more simply). Unlike the implementation above, my variables exist as both variables and commands. Personally I would call it a C-like syntax for numbers:

    proc cleanupVar {name1 name2 op} {
        rename $name1 {}

    proc var {name {= =} args} {
        upvar 1 $name x
        if {[llength $args]} {
            set x [expr $args]
        } else {
            set x {}
        proc $name args "
            upvar 1 $name $name
            if {\[llength \$args\]} {
                set $name \[expr \[lrange \$args 1 end\]\]
            } else {
                return \$[set name]
        uplevel 1 [list trace add variable $name unset cleanupVar]

The following is an example of how to use var:

    proc test {} {
        var x
        var y = 10

        x = $y*2

        return $x
    puts [test]

Another feature is that my variables actually exists in local scope even though their associated commands exists in global scope. This means that the varaibles can be used recursively:

    proc recursiveTest {x} {
        var y = $x - 1

        if {$y > 0} {
            recursiveTest $y
        puts $y
    recursiveTest 10

should output the numbers 0 to 9. Another test:

    proc test2 {} {
        var x = 10
        puts "this x belongs to test2 = $x"

    proc test3 {} {
        var x = 100
        puts "this x belongs to test3 = $x"



  this x belongs to test2 = 10
  this x belongs to test3 = 100

Another, even more powerful, implementation of this concept is Let unknown know.

Category Core , Category Example , Category Mathematics