Version 11 of Simple class/object commands

Updated 2002-11-20 08:05:55

The following code is somewhat experimental. I have seen quite a few variations on this theme. However, I believe this code does things in a new and interesting way. This code is not feature complete, it is primarily a proof of concept at this point. Please feel free to make comments and/or criticize this code. If you have feature/code suggestions please feel free to add them to this page. If you would like to submit code changes, please email them to me and I will review them for addition.

This code allows for the following concepts/constructs:

  • "classes" definitions or "what procs and variables do all instances of this class have?"
  • "objects" or "an instance of a class."
  • Now supports transparent usage of class variables and procs from inside the class.

Main Source File (class.tcl)

 # Tcl "class/object" commands
 # A simple implementation.
 # Copyright (c) 2002 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
 #  written by: Joe Mistachkin <[email protected]>
 #  created on: 11/18/2002
 # The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
 # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
 # that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
 # notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
 # license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
 # Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
 # and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
 # the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
 # they apply.
 # GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the
 # U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights"
 # in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal
 # Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2).  If you
 # are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the
 # software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the
 # Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause
 # 252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
 # authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf
 # permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the
 # terms specified in this license.

 # REQUIRES Tcl 8.3+
 package require "Tcl" "8.3"

 # version
 set class_version "1.32"


 proc class_argumentNameList { array_name length } {
   # return a list suitable for use with foreach
   # so that we can "unpack" arguments.
   set result ""
   for {set index "1"} {$index <= $length} {incr index} {
     lappend result "$array_name\($index\)"

   return $result


 proc class_argumentValueList { array_name } {
   # return a list of values in the array
   upvar "1" $array_name local_array

   set result ""
   foreach this_name [lsort -integer -increasing -unique [array names local_array]] {
     lappend result $local_array($this_name)

   return $result


 proc class_validName { name } {
   # all identifier names must start with a letter,
   # then they may have letters, numbers, and the
   # underscore character.
   if {[regexp -- {^([A-Za-z])([0-9A-Za-z_]*)$} $name] != "0"} then {
     set result "1"
   } else {
     set result "0"

   return $result


 proc class_generateName { base } {
   # NOTE: dummy loop... need 8 random numbers...
   set result $base
   foreach this_part [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] {
     append result [format "%02lX" [expr {int(rand() * 0xFF)}]]

   return $result


 proc class_variableDeclarations { name } {
   # create a variable declaration section
   set result ""
   foreach this_variable_name [class_variableNameList $name] {
     append result "variable $this_variable_name\n"

   return $result


 proc class_variableNameList { name } {
   global class_names
   global class_variables

   if {[class_validName $name] != "0"} then {
     if {[info exists class_names($name,name)] != "0"} then {
       set result ""
       foreach this_name [lsort -increasing [array names class_variables]] {
         if {[string match "$name,*,name" $this_name] != "0"} then {
           lappend result $class_variables($this_name)
     } else {
       # class not found
       set result ""
   } else {
     set result ""

   return $result


 proc class_dispatch { object proc arguments } {
   global class_names
   global class_procs
   global class_variables
   global class_objects

   # make sure we have a valid object...
   if {[info exists class_objects($object,object)] != "0"} then {
     # make sure it's linked to a valid class...
     if {[info exists class_names($class_objects($object,name),name)] != "0"} then {
       # make sure it's a valid proc...

       if {(([info exists class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,name)] != "0") && ([info exists class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,args)] != "0") && ([info exists class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,body)] != "0"))} then {
         # "unpack" arguments into the array...
         array set argument_array {}
         set argument_name_list [class_argumentNameList argument_array [llength $class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,args)]]
         if {[llength $argument_name_list] != "0"} then {
           # this is not a bug...
           # it assigns the loop variables and breaks out
           foreach $argument_name_list $arguments break

         set argument_value_list [class_argumentValueList argument_array]

         # eval in namespace so we can access private vars...
         # namespace eval $object $class_objects($object,name).$class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,name) $argument_value_list
         namespace eval $object $class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,name) $argument_value_list
       } else {
         puts stdout "proc \"$object.$proc\" not found."
     } else {
       puts stdout "object linked to invalid class \"$class_objects($object,name)\"."
   } else {
     puts stdout "invalid object \"$object\"."

 proc class { name {body ""} } {
   global class_names
   global class_procs
   global class_variables
   # process "class" definition...
   # NOTE: we will process "proc" and "variable" declarations and they will be
   #       dispatched via our custom dispatcher.
   # must have an even number of arguments...
   if {[class_validName $name] != "0"} then {
     # don't allow duplicate class declarations
     if {[info exists class_names($name,name)] == "0"} then {
       if {[llength $body] % "2" == "0"} then {
         # initialize, there is no declaration error
         set class_error "0"
         # did we verify the entire declaration yet?
         for {set verified "0"} {$verified <= "1"} {incr verified} {
           # puts stdout "processing class \"$name\" declaration, verified is \"$verified\"..."

           catch {unset temporary_class_procs}
           array set temporary_class_procs {}
           catch {unset temporary_class_variables}
           array set temporary_class_variables {}

           set count [llength $body]
           set index "0"
           while {(($index < $count) && ($class_error == "0"))} {
             set this_body_part_type [lindex $body $index]

             # puts stdout "processing body part type \"$this_body_part_type\", class error is \"$class_error\"."

             # no string tolower, this is case sensitive
             switch -exact -- $this_body_part_type {
               "proc" {
                 # proc name {args} {body}
                 if {$index + "3" < $count} then {
                   # +0 == "proc"
                   set this_proc_name [lindex $body [expr {$index + "1"}]]
                   set this_proc_args [lindex $body [expr {$index + "2"}]]
                   set this_proc_body [lindex $body [expr {$index + "3"}]]

                   if {[class_validName $this_proc_name] != "0"} then {
                     if {$verified != "0"} then {
                       if {(([info exists class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,name)] == "0") && ([info exists class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,args)] == "0") && ([info exists class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,body)] == "0"))} then {
                         set proc_exists "0"
                       } else {
                         set proc_exists "1"
                     } else {
                       # check temp, to see if it's already used.
                       if {(([info exists temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,name)] == "0") && ([info exists temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,args)] == "0") && ([info exists temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,body)] == "0"))} then {
                         set proc_exists "0"
                       } else {
                         set proc_exists "1"

                     if {$proc_exists == "0"} then {
                       if {$verified != "0"} then {
                         # only actually add proc when not running in verification mode...
                         set class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,name) $this_proc_name
                         set class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,args) $this_proc_args
                         set class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,body) $this_proc_body
                       } else {
                         # add to temp, so we know it's already used.
                         set temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,name) $this_proc_name
                         set temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,args) $this_proc_args
                         set temporary_class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,body) $this_proc_body

                       # next body part...
                       set index [expr {$index + "4"}]
                     } else {
                       puts stdout "proc \"$this_proc_name\" already defined."

                       set class_error "1"
                   } else {
                     puts stdout "invalid proc name \"$this_proc_name\"."

                     set class_error "2"
                 } else {
                   puts stdout "bad proc declaration."

                   set class_error "3"
               "variable" {
                 # variable name
                 if {$index + "1" < $count} then {
                   # +0 == "proc"
                   set this_variable_name [lindex $body [expr {$index + "1"}]]

                   if {[class_validName $this_variable_name] != "0"} then {
                     if {$verified != "0"} then {
                       if {[info exists class_variables($name,$this_variable_name,name)] == "0"} then {
                         set variable_exists "0"
                       } else {
                         set variable_exists "1"
                     } else {
                       # check temp, to see if it's already used.
                       if {[info exists temporary_class_variables($name,$this_variable_name,name)] == "0"} then {
                         set variable_exists "0"
                       } else {
                         set variable_exists "1"

                     if {$variable_exists == "0"} then {
                       if {$verified != "0"} then {
                         # only actually add variable when not running in verification mode...
                         set class_variables($name,$this_variable_name,name) $this_variable_name
                       } else {
                         # add to temp, so we know it's already used.
                         set temporary_class_variables($name,$this_variable_name,name) $this_variable_name

                       # next body part...
                       set index [expr {$index + "2"}]
                     } else {
                       puts stdout "variable \"$this_variable_name\" already defined."

                       set class_error "4"
                   } else {
                     puts stdout "invalid variable name \"$this_variable_name\"."

                     set class_error "5"
                 } else {
                   puts stdout "bad variable declaration."

                   set class_error "6"
               default {
                 # fail, bad declaration type
                 puts stdout "bad declaration type \"$this_body_part_type\"."

                 set class_error "7"

         if {$class_error == "0"} then {
           set class_names($name,name) $name
         } else {
           # invalid syntax...
           # raise error here...
           puts stdout "class \"$name\" definition error #$class_error."
       } else {
         # invalid syntax...
         # raise error here...
         puts stdout "class \"$name\" definition error, even number of arguments required."
     } else {
       # class already defined..
       # raise error here...
       puts stdout "class \"$name\" already defined."
   } else {
     # invalid syntax...
     # raise error here...
     puts stdout "invalid class name \"$name\"."


 proc object_destroy { object } {
   global class_objects

   if {[info exists class_objects($object,object)] != "0"} then {
     # remove all procs and vars for object and the namespace itself
     namespace delete $object

     # unset "object" storage...
     unset class_objects($object,object)
     unset class_objects($object,name)

     # remove global object dispatch proc
     rename $object ""
   } else {
     puts stdout "cannot destroy object \"$object\", not found."


 proc class_destroy { name } {
   global class_names
   global class_procs
   global class_variables

   if {[class_validName $name] != "0"} then {
     if {[info exists class_names($name,name)] != "0"} then {
       foreach this_name [array names class_procs] {
         # remove all for this class...
         if {[string match "$name,*" $this_name] != "0"} then {
           unset class_procs($this_name)

       foreach this_name [array names class_variables] {
         # remove all for this class...
         if {[string match "$name,*" $this_name] != "0"} then {
           unset class_variables($this_name)

       unset class_names($name,name)
     } else {
       puts stdout "cannot destroy class \"$name\", not found."
   } else {
     puts stdout "cannot destroy class \"$name\", invalid name."


 proc object { name } {
   global class_names
   global class_objects
   global class_procs

   if {[class_validName $name] != "0"} then {
     if {[info exists class_names($name,name)] != "0"} then {
       set this_object_name [class_generateName "$name.object."]

       if {[info exists class_objects($this_object_name,object)] == "0"} then {
         set class_objects($this_object_name,name) $name
         set class_objects($this_object_name,object) $this_object_name

         foreach this_name [array names class_variables] {
           # only variable names for this class...
           if {[string match "$name,*,name" $this_name] != "0"} then {
             namespace eval $this_object_name variable $class_variables($name,$this_name,name)

         # create object dispatch proc...
         proc $this_object_name { proc args } [concat class_dispatch $this_object_name \$proc \$args]

         # we need to do this here so that all procs are available later...
         foreach this_name [array names class_procs] {
           if {[string match "$name,*,name" $this_name] != "0"} then {
             set this_proc_name $class_procs($this_name)
             set this_proc_args $class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,args)
             set this_proc_body $class_procs($name,$this_proc_name,body)

             set this_proc_body "[class_variableDeclarations $name]\nset name $name\nset this $this_object_name\n\n$this_proc_body"

             # fixup self references to allow fully qualified calls...
             # NOTE: DEPRECATED.
             regsub -all -- {%this%} $this_proc_body $this_object_name this_proc_body

             # NOTE: this is probably not the best solution... YMMV

             # old way...
             # namespace eval $object [list proc $class_objects($object,name).$class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,name) $class_procs($class_objects($object,name),$proc,args) $this_proc_body]

             # new way...
             namespace eval $this_object_name [list proc $this_proc_name $this_proc_args $this_proc_body]

         # return object "handle"
         set result $this_object_name
       } else {
         puts stdout "cannot create object, name generation error (this should not happen)."
         set result ""
     } else {
       puts stdout "cannot create object, class \"$name\" not found."
       set result ""
   } else {
     puts stdout "cannot create object, invalid class \"$name\"."
     set result ""

   return $result


 proc class_initialize {} {
   # initialize global variables...
   uplevel "#0" {
     catch {unset class_names}
     array set class_names {}

     catch {unset class_procs}
     array set class_procs {}

     catch {unset class_variables}
     array set class_variables {}

     catch {unset class_objects}
     array set class_objects {}

   return "0"


 proc class_objects { name } {
   global class_objects
   # return a list of active objects for one or more classes matching "name"
   set result ""
   foreach this_name [array names class_objects] {
     # only names
     if {[string match "*,name" $this_name] != "0"} then {
       # only the one(s) we want...
       if {[string match $name $class_objects($this_name)] != "0"} then {
         # get just the name portion
         set this_object_name [lindex [split $this_name ","] "0"]
         # append to result list
         lappend result $class_objects($this_object_name,object)

   return $result


 proc class_terminate {} {
   # unset global variables...
   uplevel "#0" {
     catch {unset class_names}
     catch {unset class_procs}
     catch {unset class_variables}
     catch {unset class_objects}

   return "0"



 # // end of file

Tests Source File (class_test.tcl)

# # Tcl "class/object" commands test script # # A simple implementation. # # Copyright (c) 2002 by Joe Mistachkin. All rights reserved. # # written by: Joe Mistachkin <[email protected]> # created on: 11/18/2002 # # # The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided # that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this # notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, # license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. # Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors # and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that # the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where # they apply. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY # DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE # IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE # NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR # MODIFICATIONS. # # GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the # U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" # in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal # Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you # are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the # software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the # Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause # 252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the # authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf # permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the # terms specified in this license. #

catch {console show}

source file join [file dirname [info script] "class.tcl"

# make a dummy class... class emptyClass

# try to make it again (this should fail) class emptyClass

class badClass {

  variable x

  proc badProc {args}


class badClass2 {

  variable x

  proc badProc {args} {}
  proc badProc {} {}


class badClass3 {

  variable x
  variable x

  proc badProc {args} {}


class badClass4 {

  variable %x

  proc badProc {args} {}


class badClass5 {

  variable x

  proc %badProc {args} {}


class badClass6 {

  variable x
  invalidItem y

  proc badProc {args} {}


class badClass7 {



class %%%badClass8 {

  variable x


object_destroy thisObjectNotFound class_destroy thisClassNotFound class_destroy %%thisClassInvalidName

set gz object thisClassNotFound set gz object %%thisClassInvalidName

class testClass {

  variable x
  variable y
  variable z
  variable array_variable

  proc test0a {a} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; set x $a }
  proc test0b {b} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; set y $b }
  proc test1 {} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return $x.$y }
  proc test2 {a} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return [test0a $a] }

  proc test2a {a} {
    puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"
    # using %this% is DEPRECATED
    %this% test0a $a; return $x

  proc test2b {a} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return [test3] }
  proc test2c {a} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; $this test0a $a; return $x }

  proc test3 {} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return "foo" }
  proc test4 {a} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return $a }
  proc test5 {a b c} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; puts stdout "a = $a"; puts stdout "b = $b"; puts stdout "c = $c" }
  proc test6 {a b} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; error $a }
  proc test7 {} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return $name }
  proc test8 {} { puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"; return $this }

  proc test9 {} {
    puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"
    set array_variable(1) "element 1"
    set array_variable(2) "element 2"
    set array_variable(3) "element 3"
    return [array names array_variable]

  proc test10 {} {
    puts stdout "TEST: [info level [info level]]"
    return [array names array_variable]


class testClass2 {

  proc test1 {} { return "$name.$this" }


set gx object "testClass"

set gx2 object "testClass2"

set gy $gx test0a "123" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test0b "456" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test1 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test2 "foobar" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test2a "foobar" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test2b "foobar" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test2c "foobar" puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test3 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test4 {a b c 1 2 3} puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test5 {a b c 1 2 3} {a 2 2 b} 234234 puts stdout "$gy\n"

catch {$gx test6 "this is an error." "huh?"} gy puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test7 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test8 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test9 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx test10 puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx testNotFound puts stdout "$gy\n"

set gy $gx2 test1 puts stdout "$gy\n"

puts stdout "class testClass objects: class_objects testClass" puts stdout "class testClass* objects: class_objects testClass*"

object_destroy $gx object_destroy $gx2

puts stdout "namespace $gx exists: namespace exists $gx" puts stdout "namespace $gx2 exists: namespace exists $gx2"

# clear object ref variable set gx "" set gx2 ""

class_destroy testClass

class_destroy testClass2

class_destroy emptyClass

puts stdout "class names elements remaining (should be zero): [llength [array names class_names]" puts stdout "class objects elements remaining (should be zero): [llength [array names class_objects]" puts stdout "class procs elements remaining (should be zero): [llength [array names class_procs]" puts stdout "class variables elements remaining (should be zero): [llength [array names class_variables]"

 Version History
  • 19/Nov/2002 Version 1.00 -- initial release
  • 19/Nov/2002 Version 1.20 -- added transparent access to class variables
  • -- streamlined some of the code
  • -- more comprehensive cleanup of variables, procs, and namespaces
  • 20/Nov/2002 Version 1.25 -- more robust handling of invalid class declarations
  • -- added tests for arrays inside classes
  • 20/Nov/2002 Version 1.30 -- more argument validation
  • -- added more tests dealing with invalid class declarations
  • -- added class_objects proc to return a list of active objects for a class
  • 20/Nov/2002 Version 1.31 -- fixed error handling for a certain test case involving bad class declarations
  • 20/Nov/2002 Version 1.32 -- fixed problem preventing multiple matches in class_objects