As a result of a discussion in the chatroom today (July 9, 2002,) concerning the heat wave here(Kansas City, Missouri), I was asked to use a 'saner' temperature scale than Fahrenheit... so ... ---- #convert degrees F to degrees C proc f2c { f } { set res [expr int (($f - 32) * (5/9.))] } #convert degrees C to degrees F proc c2f { c } { set res [expr int (($c * (9/5.)) + 32) ] } #create GUI -not elegant scripting, but it works label .fl -text "Degrees F:" entry .ef -textvariable F -width 4 label .cl -text "Degrees C:" entry .ec -textvariable C -width 4 grid .fl .ef -sticky ew grid .cl .ec -row 1 -sticky ew button .b -text "Exit" -command {exit} grid .b -row 2 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew #bindings bind .ef {set C [f2c $F]} bind .ec {set F [c2f $C]} wm title . "F2C" ---- Kinda ugly, but you get the idea... If you never hang out in the chatroom, the discussion that followed was both diverse and enlightening.