What: SimOS Where: http://www.arch.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/%7Ekondo/simos/simos-index_E.html http://simos.stanford.edu/introduction.html http://simos.stanford.edu/ http://simos.stanford.edu/userguide/ Description: Machine simulation environment designed for study of both uni- and multi-processor computer systems. Simulates hardware enough to boot and run commercial operating systems. Models hardware similar to Silicon Graphics, Inc computers. Tcl scripts are written to execute whenever an event of interest occurs. Updated: 10/1998 Contact: mailto:simos@cs.stanford.edu ---- See also http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-expert7/?ca=dgr-lnxwMamboTeam which is reported to be an article about an IBM cell simulator called Mambo. It has some passing references to using [Tcl] as a [scripting] component. Mambo appears to be based on SimOS. ---- [Category Application] [Category Simulation]