Version 1 of Setting /bin/sh environment variables in the script

Updated 2001-10-16 14:55:15

Many folks work in a mixed shell environment. To assist the un-enlightened, often a tcl or tk script is called from another shell.

For example:

 exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

The "#\" gets skipped because /bin/sh thinks it is a comment. When the script calls itself with the "exec $0", Tcl reads the "#\" line as a continuation of a comment, and skips over it to the next line.

The problem with this is that sometimes we get used to our personal environments, and our scripts break when someone else runs them.

The good news is that the same idea works for other environmental variables.

 exec tclsh "$0" "$@"


To read a shell environment variable in your Tcl script, try doing something like this:

    global env
    set olddisplay $env(DISPLAY)
    set env(DISPLAY) unix:0

You can check to see if the variable exists by doing something like:

    if [info exists env(VARNAME)] {
        # okay, it's there, use it
        set value $env(VARNAME)
    } else {
        # the environment var isn't set, use a default
        set value "the default value"

There are some special magic variables relating to the shell environment.

The program name is assigned to the global variable argv0 and any arguments to it are placed in the global variable argv as a list. The variable argc is set to the number of elements in the list argv. As an example:

    #! /usr/local/bin/tclsh

    if { $argc != 2 } {
        puts stderr "$argv0: Usage: $argv0 <infile> <outfile>"
        exit 1

    set infile  [lindex $argv 0]
    set outfile [lindex $argv 1]

Also see exec magic for a discussion of issues regarding "$@"


LV Many times people come looking for a way to set an environment variable in such a way as to influence a parent process. This is, in generally, rather difficult to do. One generally solves this problem via cooperation - in some way communicating back to the parent process that it needs to set the variable itself.