Version 3 of Serializing TclOO objects

Updated 2009-05-15 10:27:03 by dkf

In Playing with TclOO, Richard Suchenwirth provided a method to dump the class and variables of an object:

 define oo::object method dump {{pat *}} {
    set res [list class [info object class [self]]]
    foreach i [info object vars [self] $pat] {
        my variable $i
        lappend res $i [set $i]
    set res

This page should explore ways to serialize/unserialize TclOO objects.

My first thought would be to check if the self's variables themselves are objects:

 define oo::object method serialize {{pat *}} {
    set res [list class [info object class [self]]]
    foreach i [info object vars [self] $pat] {
        my variable $i
        if {[info object isa object [set $i]]} {
            set value [[set $i] serialize]
        } else {
            set value [set $i]
        lappend res $i $value
    set res

RS 2009-05-08: This is however dangerous when cycles are in the object graph: say, a genealogy application, where a has father:b and b has children:a ...

Package: serialize 0.1

DKF: I've written a small package to perform serialization of objects. Note that it assumes that it does not need to serialize any classes (and can't deserialize them) that's a project for someone to write in the future.

package require Tcl 8.6

::oo::class create ::oo::serializable {
    method Serialize {{objectsToSerialize {}}} {
        set o [self]
        upvar #1 pendingObjs($o) pendingObjs
        lappend pendingObjs {*}$objectsToSerialize

        set result {}

        set methods {}
        set publics [info object methods $o]
        foreach m [info object methods $o -private] {
            if {![catch {info object definition $o $m} def]} {
                lappend methods method $m [expr {$m in $publics}] $def
            } elseif {![catch {info object forward $o $m} def]} {
                lappend methods forward $m [expr {$m in $publics}] $def
        dict set result methods $methods

        dict set result filters [info object filters $o]
        dict set result mixins  [info object mixins $o]
        dict set result variables [info object variables $o]

        dict set result nsvars {}
        foreach v [info vars [self namespace]::*] {
            if {[array exists $v]} {
                set val [array get $v]
                foreach {eName eVal} $val {
                    if {[info object isa object $eVal]} {
                        lappend pendingObjs $val
                dict lappend result nsvars [list \
                    array [namespace tail $v] $val]
            } else {
                set val [set $v]
                if {[info object isa object $val]} {
                    lappend pendingObjs $val
                dict lappend result nsvars [list \
                    scalar [namespace tail $v] $val]

        return $result

    method Deserialize {dict} {
        set o [self]
        foreach m [dict get $dict methods] {
            lassign $m t n p d
            ::oo::objdefine $o $t $n {*}$d
            if {$p} {
                ::oo::objdefine $o export $n
            } else {
                ::oo::objdefine $o unexport $n

        ::oo::objdefine $o filter {*}[dict get $dict filters]
        ::oo::objdefine $o mixin {*}[dict get $dict mixins]
        ::oo::objdefine $o variable {*}[dict get $dict variables]

        foreach v [dict get $dict nsvars] {
            lassign $v t n val
            switch $t {
                "array" {
                    array set [my varname $n] $val
                "scalar" {
                    set [my varname $n] $val

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    method Serialize:object {} {
        set o [self]
        upvar #1 objects objects pendingObjs($o) pendingObjs
        set pendingObjs {}
        set objects($o) working

        set result [my Serialize]

        dict set result name $o
        dict set result class [info object class $o]
        dict set result objects {}
        foreach otherObj $pendingObjs {
            if {![info object isa typeof $otherObj ::oo::serializable]} {
                # non-serializable object; skip
            if {![info exists objects($otherObj)]} {
                dict lappend result objects \
                    [[info object namespace $otherObj]::my Serialize:object]

        set objects($o) done
        return $result

    method Deserialize:object {data} {
        try {
            dict size $data
        } on error {} {
            rename [self] {}
            throw "OO SERIAL FORMAT" \
                "data does not describe serialized objects"

        try {
            set name [dict get $data name]
            if {[info object isa object $name]} {
                error "object already exists"
            rename [self] $name
            ::oo::objdefine [self] class [dict get $data class]
            set objs [dict get $data objects]

            my Deserialize [dict remove $data name class objects]

            foreach otherData [dict get $data objects] {
                [info object namespace [::oo::serializable new]]::my \
                    Deserialize:object $otherData
        } on error {msg opts} {
            rename [self] {}
            dict set opts -message $msg
            return -level 0 -code error -options $opts \
                -errorcode "OO SERIAL FAILURE" \
                "failed to deserialize object \"$name\": $msg"
        return [self]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

proc ::oo::serialize {object} {
    if {![info object isa object $object]} {
        throw "OO SERIAL USAGE" "\"$object\" is not an object"
    if {![info object isa typeof $object ::oo::serializable]} {
        throw "OO SERIAL USAGE" "\"$object\" is not serializable"
    # Use a coroutine to make some "local global" storage
    coroutine ::oo::SerializerCoroutine apply {{object} {
        array set objects {}
        array set pendingObjs {}
        set data [list TclOO::serializer 0.1 \
                      [[info object namespace $object]::my Serialize:object]]
        lappend data [zlib crc32 $data]
    }} $object

proc ::oo::deserialize {data} {
    if {![string is list $data] || [llength $data] < 4} {
        throw "OO SERIAL FORMAT" "data does not describe serialized objects"
    lassign $data tag version content crc
    if {
        $tag ne "TclOO::serializer"
        || ![package vsatisfies 0.1 $version]
        || [llength $data] > 4
        || [zlib crc32 [lrange $data 0 2]] != $crc
    } then {
        throw "OO SERIAL FORMAT" \
            "data does not describe serialized objects or version wrong"

    return [[info object namespace [::oo::serializable new]]::my \
                Deserialize:object $content]

package provide TclOO::serializer 0.1


Declare the classes of objects to be serialized to be subclasses of oo::serializable or at least mix that class into the objects to serialize; multiple inheritance can help here.

Then, just call:

oo::serialize theRootObject

and it will return the serialized form. You can deserialize that string (assuming that the objects have been deleted first) using:

oo::deserialze string

and it will return the recreated root object.

If your objects need more control over the serialization/deserialization, override the Serialize and Deserialize methods; don't forget to call the superclass implementations at some point! Here's a simple example of serializing control:

oo::class create listOfObjs {
    superclass oo::serializable
    variable objlist ;# Holds a list of objects, but serializer package can't figure that out by default 
    # ...
    method Serialize {{objectsToSerialize {}}} {
        # Override so that the list of objects is understood to be part of the object graph
        next [concat $objectsToSerialize $objlist]