Version 9 of Sepp

Updated 2006-01-31 11:27:05 by suchenwi

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-01-29 - Sepp (in the usual Titlecase capitalization) stands for "Simple experimenting platform, pocket edition". (In southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland it is also a nickname for Josef). I've been coding on Sepp for some weeks now without having a name for it - now Sepp shall be it.

See IDE: from cathedral to patchwork bazaar for some historical notes. Sepp shall be my patchwork bazaar (and as usual, I'll be glad to share it here on the Wiki). A set of little components, just as I need them, that can be tested on a desktop, too, but designed for best usability on a PocketPC running eTcl - the reason is that this distribution first allows good toplevel alternation, and wide menus. Most of the code should run on other PocketPC distros, or wherever.

Design principles (under construction :^):

  • Some components provide Tcl procs without UI, for use in the console, or in other components
  • Others will do their job in a toplevel, either transient (destroyed on FocusOut) or longer-lived. None shall occupy the standard "." toplevel.
  • Components offer their services via tclIndex. "Exported" services come as procs in ::, while internals are slightly hidden in a namespace
  • Services are made available by adding them to the console menu
  • procs shall be no longer than 20 lines, lines no longer than ~40 characters, for convenient editing on the little thing itself

Wiki pages for existing components:

Category Development