Version 1 of Scripting Languages 2004 Conference Proposal.

Updated 2003-08-08 23:08:11

This is an idea that came out of the core team public meetings at the TCL 2003 conference.

The gist of it is that it's difficult to put on "small" conferences for both logistic and financial reasons. Clif Flynt did a fine job with TCL 2003, but his life would have been a lot easier if there had been some overseeing body such as USENIX which could carry the logistic load. We bounced around various ideas and the limitations of the current tech marketplace for a while, and the end result is that I volunteered to try something.

Assuming I can get active co-operation from representative folks from at least two other scripting languages (python and ruby are my first targets), I will organize a three-headed proposal and take it to USENIX to see if they'll fund it. The general idea is to have a scripting languages conference that does for tcl, python and ruby what used to be done with individual small conferences. This has been done before by USENIX with their 'little languages' conference, so it's not unprecedented. The goal is to get all three conferences going simultaneously, thereby allowing a single logistics staff to cover the conference with the same expenses as for a single conference.

My stake-in-the-ground idea is to get one conf chair for each language. That conference chair would do all the things they'd normally do with respect to gathering papers, getting them reviewed (or not), finding special speakers, etc, etc (this is the USENIX conference model). The logistics group would worry about registration, in-hotel networking, food, room rental, etc. That lets the tcl/python/ruby people focus on what they're best at, while USENIX focuses on what they're best at.

I've already kicked off the task of finding some representative python folks to discuss this with, and am looking for ruby folks and other possible languages. If you have any suggestions, please throw them my way.

I'll track progress on this page.

August 8, 2003 18:42 EST: Clif Flynt informs me that he had an informal talk with Ellie Young, executive director of USENIX. She said she'd be receptive to a proposal, but didn't seem to make any other commitment than that at this time. This is pretty standard for Ellie and USENIX, who are always willing to listen to ideas but don't put time and money on the table until they're sure your both serious and able to carry off your end.

August 8, 2003 19:04 EST: I've dropped a line to the Python Marketing Special Interest group giving a general outline of the tentative proposal and asking for recent chairs or committee folks for python conferences.