Version 2 of Scotty

Updated 2002-02-01 17:25:06

The SNMP extension for Tcl.

Current homepages:

Current information appears on the "Tnm/Scotty/TkInEd" Wiki page.

Is Scotty healthy? Here's what Juergen wrote at the end of January 2002: "Seriously, I am only occasionally using Tnm at the moment myself and hence there is little forward progress. On the other hand, the stuff people are using seems to work relatively well and if someone reports a real bug which is easy to fix, then a fix is going into the CVS version relatively quickly. There are of course things I would do different these days - but since I am not regularily using Tnm at the moment, there is little energy to work on improving things. (And the people using Tnm probably like this since it gives real stability. ;-)

The 2 year thing is that I never managed to get 3.0 out of the door and hence the official version described on the Web page is still 2.1.X, even though many people are using 3.0 snapshots and putting them in distributions. In retrospect, I should have released 3.0 two years ago even though I felt it is not ready at that time since the current situation is just confusing."

Yes, Scotty is healthy, in the sense that plenty of people are putting it to quite serious uses.

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