Version 6 of SciLab

Updated 2012-06-12 16:47:06 by GS

Scilab is a free Scientific Software Package and can be found at

It is used for numerical computations in engeneering, statistics and for plotting graphs and such.

It has connection to Tcl via these functions:

  • ScilabEval - tcl instruction : Evaluate a string with scilab interpreter
  • TK_EvalFile (obsolete, replaced by TCL_EvalFile) - Reads and evaluate a tcl/tk file
  • TK_EvalStr (obsolete, replaced by TCL_EvalStr) - Evaluate a string whithin the tcl/tk interpreter
  • TK_GetVar (obsolete, replaced by TCL_GetVar) - Get a tcl/tk variable value
  • TK_SetVar (obsolete, replaced by TCL_SetVar) - Set a tcl/tk variable value
  • close - close a figure
  • figure - create a figure
  • findobj - find an object with specified property
  • gcf - gets the current active tksci figure
  • uicontrol - create a Graphic User Interface object
  • uimenu - Create a menu or a submenu in a figure

Scilab's help system is implemented using Tk.

GS (20120611) Here is a simple example for using Tcl-Tk with Scilab. There is no tclsh or wish in Scilab. Scilab evals commands with ScilabEval [L1 ] function.

There is 3 files (run.sce, distance.sci, gui.tcl).

The Scilab TCL_EvalFile function is used to display the GUI which calls a Scilab function to recompute the distance (function distance()) each time sliders are moved.

To make a test, put these 3 files in the same directory, run Scilab and change the working directory :

  cd <your Scilab directory>

Enter the command:

  exec ('run.sce')

and the GUI will display.

The file run.sce:

  // run.sce
  exec distance.sci;

the file distance.sci:

  // distance.sci
  function dist = distance(x,y,z)
    dist = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)

And the Tcl-Tk code:

  # gui.tcl
  global x y z dist

  set x 10
  set y 10
  set z 10
  set dist " "

  toplevel .w
  scale .w.scx -from 0 -to 200 -length 200 -resolution 1 -label "X" \
               -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable x \
               -command ComputeDistance
  scale .w.scy -from 0 -to 200 -length 200 -resolution 1 -label "Y" \
               -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable y \
               -command ComputeDistance
  scale .w.scz -from 0 -to 200 -length 200 -resolution 1 -label "Z" \
               -orient horiz -bd 1 -showvalue true -variable z \
               -command ComputeDistance

  label -text Distance
  label .w.ldist -textvariable dist -bg lightblue
  eval pack [winfo children .w]

  proc ComputeDistance {w} {
    global x y z dist
    ScilabEval "dist = distance($x,$y,$z);TK_SetVar('dist',string(dist));"