Version 8 of Scheme

Updated 2002-11-28 08:38:20

A derivate of Lisp. A programming language with even less syntax than Tcl itself. (but special forms and the like...? RS)

See Tcl and LISP | Playing LISP | Serial summing.

There's a TkScheme. [maybe more than one?]

The classic Scheme book is SICP.

One interesting difference is that setting of (only global?) variables and function definition both are done with define, which creates a lambda if its first element is a list. Just for experimenting, here's how to have that in Tcl:

 proc define {what how} {
     if {[llength $what]==1} {
          uplevel 1 set $what [list $how]
     } else {
          proc [lindex $what 0] [lrange $what 1 end] $how
 % define x 42


 % define {+ x y} {incr x $y}
 % + $x $x

Category Language