Version 3 of Scaled Radiobutton

Updated 2018-08-16 18:16:14 by bll

Scaled Radiobutton

Current Version: 1.0

bll 2018-8-16: A scalable radio button. It does not attempt to match the styling that the various available styles use.

There are 8 different indicator styles. At a later date, I will add in indicator coloring.

If you know of other unicode character pairs that will work as indicators, let me know.


# Copyright 2018 Brad Lanam Walnut Creek, CA
# TODO: Indicator on/off color, font

package require Tk

proc sradiobutton { nm args } {
  srbwidget new $nm {*}$args
  return $nm

namespace eval ::srbcmd {
  variable vars

  proc handler { w args } {
    $w {*}$args

  proc initializeAll { } {
    variable vars

    if { [info exists ::srbcmd::initialized] } {
    set ::srbcmd::initialized true

    set tbg [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background]
    if { $::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin" } {
      # this isn't going to work...
      set tbg #ececec
    lassign [winfo rgb . $tbg] bg_r bg_g bg_b
    set bg [format {#%02x%02x%02x} \
        [expr {$bg_r / 256}] \
        [expr {$bg_g / 256}] \
        [expr {$bg_b / 256}]]

    ttk::style configure SRadiobutton.TFrame \
        -background $bg
    ttk::style configure SRadiobutton.TLabel \
        -anchor e \
        -width {} \
        -background $bg \
        -highlightthickness 0
    ttk::style configure Indicator.SRadiobutton.TLabel \
        -anchor {}

::oo::class create ::srbwidget {
  constructor { nm args } {
    my variable vars


    set vars(ind.styles) {
        1 {chars {\u25cb \u25cf} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        2 {chars {\u25cc \u25cf} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        3 {chars {\u26aa \u26ab} padding {0 0 0 0}}
        4 {chars {\u25cb \u25c9} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        5 {chars {\u25cc \u25c9} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        6 {chars {\u25c7 \u25c6} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        7 {chars {\u25c7 \u25c8} padding {0 0 0 3}}
        8 {chars {\u2b26 \u2b25} padding {0 0 0 4}}
    set vars( 8
    set vars(char.nosel) \u25cb
    set vars(char.sel) \u25cf
    set vars(-indicatorstyle) 1
    set vars(-value) {}
    set vars(currvalue) {}
    set vars(char.disp) $vars(char.nosel)
    set vars(-command) {}
    set vars(font.basesize) 11

    # some defaults

    set vars(frame.cont) [ttk::frame $nm \
        -class Scaled.Radiobutton \
        -style SRadiobutton.TFrame \
    set vars(widget) [ttk::label $nm.indicator \
        -style Indicator.SRadiobutton.TLabel \
        -textvariable [self]::vars(char.disp) \
    $vars(widget) configure -style 1.Indicator.SRadiobutton.TLabel
    set vars(label) [ttk::label ${nm}.label \
        -style SRadiobutton.TLabel \
    set vars(srb) ${nm}_srb
    rename $vars(frame.cont) ::$vars(srb)
    interp alias {} $vars(frame.cont) {} ::srbcmd::handler [self]
    uplevel 2 [list $vars(frame.cont) configure {*}$args]

    set vars(bind.tag) srbbt$vars(widget)
    bindtags $vars(widget) [concat [bindtags $vars(widget)] $vars(bind.tag)]

    grid $vars(widget) $vars(label) -in $vars(frame.cont) \
        -sticky {} -padx 0 -pady 0
    grid configure $vars(label) -sticky e
    grid configure $vars(label) -ipadx 1p

    # make sure any binds on the main hull get propagated to the display widget
    set bt [bindtags $vars(widget)]
    bindtags $vars(widget) [list $nm {*}$bt]

    bind $vars(widget) <Destroy> [list [self] destruct]

    bind $vars(widget) <ButtonRelease-1> [list [self] setvalue]
    bind $vars(label) <ButtonRelease-1> [list [self] setvalue]
    my adjustpadding

  method destruct { } {
    my variable vars
    interp alias {} $vars(frame.cont) {}
    [self] destroy

  method setvalue { } {
    my variable vars

    set k -variable
    set vars(currvalue) $vars(-value)
    if { [info exists vars($k)] } {
      set $vars($k) $vars(-value)
    my checkvalue
    if { $vars(-command) ne {} } {

  method checkvalue { args } {
    my variable vars

    set k -variable
    if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } {
      if { [set $vars($k)] eq $vars(-value) } {
        set vars(char.disp) $vars(char.sel);
      } else {
        set vars(char.disp) $vars(char.nosel);

  method starttrace { } {
    my variable vars

    set k -variable
    if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } {
      trace add variable $vars($k) write [list [self] checkvalue]

  method adjustpadding { } {
    my variable vars

    set style [$vars(label) cget -style]
    set font [$vars(label) cget -font]
    if { $font eq {} } { set font TkDefaulFont }

    dict for {key info} $vars(ind.styles) {
      set opad [dict get $info padding]
      set sz [font metrics $font -ascent]
      set adj [expr {double($sz)/$vars(font.basesize)}]
      set npad [list]
      foreach {p} $opad {
        set np [expr {round(double($p)*$adj)}]
        lappend npad $np
      ttk::style configure $key.Indicator.$style -padding $npad

  method unknown { args } {
    my variable vars

    set nm $vars(label)
    return [uplevel 2 [list $nm {*}$args]]

  method cget { key } {
    my variable vars

    set rv {}
    if { $key eq "-font" ||
        $key eq "-variable" ||
        $key eq "-command" ||
        $key eq "-value" } {
      set rv $vars($key)
    } else {
      set rv [$vars(label) cget $key]
    return $rv

  method configure { args } {
    my variable vars

    foreach {key val} $args {
      if { $key eq "-indicatorstyle" } {
        if { ! [string is entier $val] || $val < 1 || $val > $vars( } {
        set vars(-indicatorstyle) $val
        lassign [dict get $vars(ind.styles) $val chars] \
            vars(char.nosel) vars(char.sel)
        set style [$vars(label) cget -style]
        $vars(widget) configure -style $val.Indicator.$style
        my checkvalue
      } elseif { $key eq "-value" } {
        set vars($key) $val
        my checkvalue
      } elseif { $key eq "-command" } {
        set vars($key) $val
      } elseif { $key eq "-variable" } {
        set fqv {}
        if { [string match {::*} $val] } {
          set fqv $val
        if { $fqv eq {} } {
          set fqv [uplevel 2 [list namespace which -variable $val]]
          if { $fqv eq {} } {
            set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]]
            set fqv $ns$val
            if { [string match ::::* $fqv] } {
              set fqv [string range $fqv 2 end]
        set vars($key) $fqv
        if { ! [info exists $vars($key)] } {
          set $vars($key) {}
        my starttrace
        my checkvalue
      } elseif { $key eq "-style" } {
        $vars(label) configure -style $val
        my adjustpadding
        $vars(widget) configure -style $vars(-indicatorstyle).Indicator.$val
      } else {
        uplevel 2 [list $vars(label) configure $key $val]
    return -code ok


package provide sradiobutton 1.0

 Demo Code
package require Tk
source code/sradiobutton.tcl

proc p { x } {
  puts "cmd: $x"

font create eee
font configure eee -size 28

set ::x A
foreach {st} [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] {
  sradiobutton .sa$st -value A -variable ::x -text AAAA \
    -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p e]
  sradiobutton .sb$st -value B -variable ::x -text BBBB \
    -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p f]
  grid .sa$st .sb$st

set st 2
ttk::style configure B.SRadiobutton.TLabel -font eee
sradiobutton .s1z -value E -variable ::z -text EE\
    -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p e] -style B.SRadiobutton.TLabel
sradiobutton .s2z -value F -variable ::z -text FF \
    -indicatorstyle $st -command [list p f] -style B.SRadiobutton.TLabel
set ::z E
grid .s1z .s2z