Version 2 of Saving song data from file names to sql

Updated 2009-04-27 19:28:02 by LV


A script to put information stored in file names on disc like this:

 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_01_The Wall Street Shuffle.wav
 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_02_I'm Not In Love.wav
 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_03_Art For Art's Sake.wav
 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_04_Dreadlock Holiday.wav
 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_05_People I Love.wav
 10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_06_Donna.wav

where there may be no extra underscores, which can be done by having your cd collection ooked up on some data server (I forgot the name), and editing out the extra _´s. I have about 2000 songs on disc that way, and just used this script to put them in a simple sql database (I used Linux for the server, but windows has one too):

 proc dosql { {s} } {
  global db
   if {[catch {pg_exec $db $s} reply]} {
      puts "sql error : $reply,[pg_result $reply -error]"
      return "Error"
   if {[pg_result $reply -status] == "PGRES_COMMAND_OK"} {
 #     catch {pg_exec $db "insert into history values (DEFAULT, [pg_quote $s] , 'now' , NULL)"}
      return {}
   if {[pg_result $reply -status] != "PGRES_TUPLES_OK"} {
      puts "sql error: [pg_result $reply -error]"
      return "Error"
   set res [pg_result $reply -llist]
 #  catch {pg_exec $db "insert into history values (DEFAULT, [pg_quote $s] , 'now' , NULL)"}
   return $res
 # we only put non-errors in the history
 #   pg_result $reply -clear

 package require pgintcl
 # Fill this in for your sql server:
 set db [pg_connect -conninfo [list host = user = zxy dbname = test password = 56fg6754]]

 # This of course **Only Once**
 dosql "create table songs (file text, album text, band text, nr int, title text)"

 # get the parts of the filenames:
 foreach i [lsort -dict ['some length 34 pathname'*.wav]] {
   foreach {file band title nr song} [concat 
      [list [
              string range $i 34 end]
            ] [
              split [string range $i 34 end-4] _
      ] {
        dosql "insert into songs values (
           [pg_quote $file], 
           [pg_quote $title], 
           [pg_quote $band], 
           [pg_quote $nr], 
           [pg_quote $song]

When this has executed with no error, which in my case took under half a minute, the database is ready to use.


 % dosql "select nr from songs limit 5"
 1 1 2 3 4


  % foreach i [dosql "select * from songs limit 5"] {puts $i}
   {4 Non Blondes_Various 100 no. 1 hits [CD2]_01_What's up.wav} {Various 100 no. 1 hits [CD2]} {4 Non Blondes} 1 {What's up}
   {10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_01_The Wall Street Shuffle.wav} {The Very Best Of} {10cc And Godley & Creme} 1 {The Wall Street Shuffle}
   {10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_02_I'm Not In Love.wav} {The Very Best Of} {10cc And Godley & Creme} 2 {I'm Not In Love}
   {10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_03_Art For Art's Sake.wav} {The Very Best Of} {10cc And Godley & Creme} 3 {Art For Art's Sake}
   {10cc And Godley & Creme_The Very Best Of_04_Dreadlock Holiday.wav} {The Very Best Of} {10cc And Godley & Creme} 4 {Dreadlock Holiday}


 % foreach i [dosql "select distinct album from songs order by album asc limit 5"] {puts $i}
  {25 jaar na Waterloo - deel 2}
  {Albert Hall Experience (1)}


 % foreach i [dosql "select nr,title from songs where band like [pg_quote "%10cc%"] group by nr,title order by nr asc limit 5"] {puts $i}
 1 {The Wall Street Shuffle}
 2 {I'm Not In Love}
 3 {Art For Art's Sake}
 4 {Dreadlock Holiday}
 5 {People I Love}