"antirez" on the chat ---- [https://web.archive.org/web/20171020012127/www.invece.org/antirez3s.jpg] [http://www.invece.org] [http://www.hping.org] [http://www.kyuzz.org/antirez] (no longer access to this second personal site!) I'm here because I like Tcl! :) Other languages I like are: C, Scheme, SmallTalk, FORTH, Joy. I'm the author of '''The Jim Interpreter'''. A small footprint implementation of the Tcl programming languages with more support for functional programming and other differences. You can find more information about Jim in the [Jim] page of this wiki or in the Jim home page at http://jim.tcl.tk/ '''Tclwise''' I'm writing a book about Tcl programming. Many chapters are online for free, you can find it at http://www.invece.org/tclwise/. '''Random Stuff''' [Picol]: [Category Platform Issues]: [Genetic Programming]: [Advantages of Tcl over Lisp]: [parsing expressions]: [cfile]: object based file I/O for Tcl. [Tcl IRCd]: a little IRC server I wrote in Tcl [Odys Object System]: [regmap]: may be more secure (against malicious user input) and clean than the usual regsub+subst way, at least some time. Please tell me if something like this is already in some well known library. [Syncronized timer]: [Functions As Values]: A different design for Tcl-like languages, with first-class functions: [let2]: A let for Tcl: (the [let] wiki page was already used). [Tcl References in Tcl]: (updated version, and C implementation under development) [A Joy implementation in Tcl]: A Joy stackless/tailrecursive compiler/VM written in Tcl: [lsplit]: is a useful command ripped from the [Joy] programming language. [Tcl_Obj types list]: [Alists for Tcl]: [TclRef]: [eDonkey]: [etprof]: [Sugar]: [ptparser]: [Arity corner cases in math commands]: about [TIP] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/174.html%|%174], Math Operators as Commands [Gimp Client]: [Range]: [Permutations]: [bindlife]: [Tip187 in pure Tcl]: [hping3]: [set operations for Tcl lists]: ---- Tk code to handle the keyboard in a raw mode. Useful for games or to control real hardware. Uses a trick, don't know if it will work in future or past version of Tcl. ====== namespace eval RawKeys {} set ::RawKeys::Flag 0 set ::RawKeys::LastEvent {-1 0 -1} set ::RawKeys::Delay 50 proc ::RawKeys::Init {userPressHandler userReleaseHandler} { bind . [list ::RawKeys::pressHandler %k $userPressHandler] bind . [list ::RawKeys::releaseHandler %k $userReleaseHandler] } proc ::RawKeys::pressHandler {keycode userHandler} { variable LastEvent variable Delay variable Flag set Flag 1 set deliver 1 if {[lindex $LastEvent 0] == $keycode && \ ([clock clicks -milliseconds] - [lindex $LastEvent 2]) < $Delay} { set deliver 0 } set LastEvent [list $keycode 1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]] if {$deliver} { $userHandler $keycode } } proc ::RawKeys::releaseHandler {keycode userHandler} { variable LastEvent variable Delay variable Flag set deliver 1 set Flag 0 set LastEvent [list $keycode 0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]] update if {$Flag} { set deliver 0 } if {$deliver} { $userHandler $keycode } } #################################### Example ################################### catch {console show} puts "Enter the blank window and press/release random keys" array set ::pressed {} proc press keycode { set ::pressed($keycode) {} puts "=== pressed $keycode! === ([lsort [array names ::pressed]])" } proc release keycode { catch {unset ::pressed($keycode)} puts "=== release $keycode! === ([lsort [array names ::pressed]])" } ::RawKeys::Init press release ====== <> Person