[George Peter Staplin] Apr 4, 2006 - This is a frontend to the speech synthesis tool [Rsynth]. I wrote this GUI years ago. I called it say_this.tcl. Here it is running in [NetBSD] with the [Whim window manager]: [http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/images/wiki/say_this.png] I use audio/rsynth from [pkgsrc] with the nasd (network audio system daemon). The defaults are kind of odd for the GUI, so you might want to try the settings in the screenshot. Have fun! ---- package require Tk proc say {sentence r_var d_var f_var F_var ff_var bf_var} { #This invokes say from the rsynth package. #puts $ff_var if {[string length $ff_var] == 2} { set k_var ".$ff_var" } elseif {[string length $ff_var] == 3} { set k_var [string range $ff_var 0 0].[string range $ff_var 1 end] } elseif {[string length $ff_var] == 1} { set k_var ".0$ff_var" } else { set k_var 1.0 } #puts $k_var set go 1 set rpid "" #This could use #open | so that it doesn't block the process. catch {exec say -K $k_var -r $r_var -d $d_var -f $f_var -F $F_var -x $bf_var $sentence} } proc main {} { pack [frame .f -relief groove -bd 4] -fill both pack [frame .f.t] -fill x pack [entry .f.t.e -textvariable sentence -width 30] -fill x pack [button .f.say -text Say \ -command {say $sentence $r_var $d_var $f_var $F_var $ff_var $bf_var}] -fill x bind . {.f.say invoke} pack [frame .f.b -relief groove -bd 4] -fill both pack [scale .f.b.r -from 2000 -to 8000 -variable r_var -orient horizontal \ -label "Sound Rate:" -tickinterval 1500] -fill x .f.b.r set 5812 pack [label .f.b.dl -text "Dictionary:"] foreach dict {a b} { pack [radiobutton .f.b.d$dict -variable d_var -value $dict \ -text $dict] } .f.b.db select pack [scale .f.b.bf -from 0 -to 6000 -variable bf_var -orient horizontal \ -label "Base Frequency:"] -fill x .f.b.bf set 2365 pack [scale .f.b.fr -from 0 -to 100 -variable f_var -orient horizontal \ -label "mSec per Frame:" -tickinterval 20] -fill x .f.b.fr set 12 pack [scale .f.b.f -from 0 -to 400 -variable F_var -orient horizontal \ -label "Flutter Rate:" -tickinterval 100] -fill x .f.b.f set 0 #Filter Fraction pack [scale .f.b.ff -from 0 -to 200 -variable ff_var -orient horizontal \ -label "Parameter Filter Fraction:" -tickinterval 40] -fill x .f.b.ff set 79 } main ---- [Category Speech Synthesis]