by [Michael Jacobson] This application displays [RSS] news feeds in folders. Each of these items can be clicked and the corresponding webpage displayed in the browser. '''NOTE:''' This application is MsWindows only as it uses [optcl] to embed MSIE as the web browser. It is based on code from [WippleWobble - A Mini Web Browser (for Windows)] and [A little XML browser]. [] To download the current version, packaged as a [starkit], use this link []. To get the source code just scroll down a little bit. '''Updated Build (11/04)''' * Rss feeds updated every 30 minutes * Force refresh of feeds (right click) * Drag and drop a RSS link (from MSIE) onto tree to add a new news source * Tree ballon help now displays when item was published * Stores all RSS feeds in registry * Delete news feeds (right click a item) * Stores and Loads screen placement and state * Display Unicode correctly in the Tree * Performs a conditional http GET using store Last-Modified and ETag values * Ballon help to give time since article published * Ballon help to give article description if available ---- '''TO DOs:''' 1. Under the News Feed have folder for Today and Old 1. In tree, paint new posts blue, and visited ones purple ---- '''Source Code''' # RssPoint by Michael P. Jacobson # The One Line License (OLL) ~ # Get it, use it, share it, improve it, but don't blame me (or us). set version 1.5 bind . [list console show] package require Tk 8.4 package require BWidget package require tdom package require optcl catch {package require tkdnd} catch {package require Resizer} package require autoproxy package require http package require registry autoproxy::init wm withdraw . # RSS code by MPJ - works most of the time ;-) proc Rss:Channel {name} { global rss foreach n [[lindex [$name childNodes] 0] childNodes] { if {![string equal -nocase [string range [$n nodeName] 0 3] "item"]} { if {[$n childNode] != "" && [llength [$n childNode]] == 1} { if {[[$n childNode] nodeName]=="#text"} { set rss($name,[$n nodeName]) [[$n childNode] nodeValue] } } } } return $name } proc Rss:Items {name} { global $name set root $name array unset $name if {[string equal -nocase [$root nodeName] rss]} { set root [lindex [$name childNodes] 0] } set count 0 foreach n [$root childNodes] { if {[string equal -nocase [string range [$n nodeName] 0 3] "item"]} { incr count foreach o [$n childNodes] { if {[$o childNode] != "" && [[$o childNode] nodeName]=="#text"} { set [join "$name ($count,[$o nodeName])" {}] [string map {\n {}} [[$o childNode] nodeValue]] } } } } return $count } # used for the initial update of the items then Rss:Update is callled (should be combined) proc Rss:Site {name} { global rss set rawrss [fetch $name] if {[catch {dom parse $rawrss rss(dom,$name)}]} {puts "Error on create";return -1} catch {.tree delete t0} $rss(dom,$name) documentElement rss(root,$name) set fndnode [Rss:Channel $rss(root,$name)] set fndcnt [Rss:Items $rss(root,$name)] set rss(tree,$name) [.tree insert end root "t$::tc" -text [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $rss($fndnode,title)] \ -helptext $name \ -image [Bitmap::get folder] -open 1 -data $rss($fndnode,link)] set count $::tc for {set i 1} {$i <= $fndcnt} {incr i} { set help "" if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } elseif {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]]} { set help2 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]] set c 0 while {[set fnd [string range $help2 $c [incr c 40]]] != ""} { set help "$help\n$fnd";incr c } } if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} .tree insert end "t$::tc" t[incr count] -text [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,title)" {}]]] \ -helptext $help \ -data [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,link)" {}]] \ -image [Bitmap::get file] } set ::tc [incr count] } proc Rss:Update {name} { global rss puts "Updating ... $name ... [clock format [clock second]]" if {[set rawrss [fetch $name]] == ""} {puts " No News Updates Found";return 0} if {[catch {dom parse $rawrss rss(dom,$name)}]} {puts "Error on update";return -1} $rss(dom,$name) documentElement rss(root,$name) #set fndnode [Rss:Channel $rss(root,$name)] .tree delete [.tree nodes $rss(tree,$name)] set fndnode $rss(root,$name) set fndcnt [Rss:Items $rss(root,$name)] set count $::tc for {set i 1} {$i <= $fndcnt} {incr i} { set help "" if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } elseif {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]]} { set help2 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]] set c 0 while {[set fnd [string range $help2 $c [incr c 40]]] != ""} { set help "$help\n$fnd";incr c } } if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} .tree insert end $rss(tree,$name) t[incr count] -text [string trim [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,title)" {}]]]] \ -helptext $help \ -data [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,link)" {}]] \ -image [Bitmap::get file] } set ::tc [incr count] } # http fetch and return stuff proc fetch {url} { global rss if {[info exist rss(last,$url)]} { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url \ -headers [list If-Modified-Since $rss(last,$url) If-None-Match $rss(etag,$url)]]]] } else { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url]]] } upvar #0 $tok state foreach {key val} $state(meta) { if {[string equal -nocase $key Last-Modified]} {set rss(last,$url) $val} if {[string equal -nocase $key ETag]} {set rss(etag,$url) $val} } if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} {set res ""} http::cleanup $tok return $res } # GPS code for WippleWobble (an IE COM in a Tk window) proc forceFocus {win} {catch {focus -force $win}} proc setOptions {} { option add *Button.pady 0 option add *Button.padx 1 option add *Button.borderWidth 1 } proc loadLocation {win} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar if {[catch {$ar(htm) navigate $ar(location)} res]} { return -code error $res } } proc linkchanged {win id page} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar $win.status config -text $page } proc pagebusy {win {waittime 250}} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar set col [list green yellow] $win.controls.busy config -bg [lindex $col [$ar(htm) : Busy]] return [after $waittime "pagebusy $win"] } proc buildInterface {win location} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar #The default for new instances set ar(location) $location frame $win -class RssPoint pack [frame $win.controls] -fill x pack [button $win.controls.backward -text "<<" \ -command "catch \"\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] goBack\""] -side left pack [button $win.controls.forward -text ">>" \ -command "catch \"\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] goForward\""] -side left pack [button $win.controls.print -text "Print" \ -command "\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER" -bg orange -fg white] -side left pack [button $win.controls.stop -text "Stop" \ -command "\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] stop" -bg firebrick -fg white] -side left pack [entry $win.controls.e \ -textvariable ::_${win}ar(location)] \ -side left -fill x -expand 1 bind $win.controls.e [list loadLocation $win] pack [button $win.controls.go -text Go \ -command [list loadLocation $win] -bg darkgreen -fg white] -side left pack [label $ -width 2] -side left pack [label $win.controls.busy -width 4 -bg green] -side left set htm [optcl::new -window $win.htm Shell.Explorer.2] pack $win.htm -fill both -side top -expand 1 set ar(htm) $htm pack [label $win.status] -side bottom -anchor w optcl::bind $htm StatusTextChange [list linkchanged $win] $htm navigate $ar(location) pagebusy $win return $win } proc updateInterface { {mintime 30} } { global rss foreach a [array name rss root,*] {Rss:Update [lindex [split $a ,] 1]} after [expr round($mintime*60000)] updateInterface } panedwindow .pane frame .treeframe Tree .tree -yscrollcommand [list .sbary set] -xscrollcommand [list .sbarx set] .tree bindText [list tree_nav] .tree bindText [list popup .tree .treemenu %X %Y] catch {dnd bindtarget .tree UniformResourceLocator {Rss:Site %D}} menu .treemenu -tearoff 0 -activeborder 0 .treemenu add command -label "Move Up" -command [list move_selected -1] .treemenu add command -label "Move Down" -command [list move_selected 1] .treemenu add separator .treemenu add command -label Update -command [list update_selected] .treemenu add separator .treemenu add command -label Delete -command [list delete_selected] proc move_selected {direction} { if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } set new [expr {[lsearch [.tree nodes root] $top] + $direction}] if {$new >= 0 && $new < [llength [.tree nodes root]]} { .tree move root $top $new } } proc popup {frame win X Y pane} { if {[string equal [$frame selection get] $pane]} {tk_popup $win $X $Y} } proc update_selected {} { global rss if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $top} {Rss:Update $link} } } proc delete_selected {} { global rss if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $top} { set dom $rss(root,$link) array unset rss *,$link array unset rss $dom,* global $dom array unset $dom .tree delete $top } } } scrollbar .sbary -command [list .tree yview] scrollbar .sbarx -orient horizontal -command [list .tree xview] grid .tree .sbary -in .treeframe -sticky nsew grid .sbarx -in .treeframe -sticky ew grid columnconfigure .treeframe 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure .treeframe 0 -weight 1 set tc 1 .tree insert end root t0 -text "Now Retrieving Rss Data" \ -image [Bitmap::get file] -open 1 -data "" proc tree_nav {page {win .htm}} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar set ar(location) [.tree itemcget $page -data] $ar(htm) navigate $ar(location) } buildInterface .htm "" grid .pane -sticky news .pane add .treeframe -sticky news .pane add .htm -sticky news grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 catch {Resizer::resizer .resizer} catch {raise .resizer} bind all {forceFocus %W} bind all {forceFocus %W} catch {wm geometry . [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" geometry]} catch {wm state . [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" state]} wm title . "RssPoint v$version" wm deiconify . if {[catch {registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" sites} sites]} { Rss:Site Rss:Site wm geometry . 800x600 } else { for {set i 1} {$i <= $sites} {incr i} { Rss:Site [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" site$i] } } after [expr 1000*60*30] updateInterface ;# 1st update in 30 minutes proc on_exit {} { global rss set c 0 registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" geometry [wm geometry .] registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" state [wm state .] registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" sites [llength [.tree nodes root]] foreach ele [.tree nodes root] { foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $ele} { registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" site[incr c] $link break } } } exit } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {on_exit} ---- '''User Wishes:''' 1. Saving the state of a node (opened/closed) to be restored when started the next time - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. Reloading a loaded page belonging to feed leaf after a configurable duration (like in NewzPoint) or if the feed tells, that it has changed - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. more key events in the tree, like , , and to move page wise and to the top or the bottom of the tree - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. right-click in the tree to have a context menu, even if no tree node is selected! If a right-click selects an element like a left-click and than shows the context menu, than it would behave normal on MS Windows - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. integration in [NewzPoint]??? - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. mapping for HTML entities in the leaf names, like ", <, etc. - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. the ability to disable the automatic update globally or per feed - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. Some other means of doing the web pages, so that the application is cross platform. 1. the ability to let the user name tree nodes by himself - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. the ability to export the settings from the registry in a file to transport them to another computer. E.g. in a source-able tcl file with calls to the registry command adding all the extracted keys and values - by [male], June 24th, 2004 1. the balloon help over a leaf of the Tcler's Wiki feedd could contain the last change, but the last changer too - by [male], June 24th, 2004 ---- [Category Application] | [Category Internet]