[Michael Jacobson] (16/06/2004) ~ This application displays [RSS] news feeds in folders. Each of these items can be clicked and the corresponding webpage displayed in the browser (MSIE). NOTE: This application is MsWindows only as it uses [optcl] to embed MSIE as the web browser. Here is a current picture of the application. [http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jakeforce/RssPoint.jpg] And if you want to see my current progress, a [starkit] snapshot of the code is here [http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jakeforce/RssPoint.kit]. '''Updated Build (23/6/04)''' * Rss feeds updated every 5 minutes * Force refresh of feeds (right click) * Drag and drop a RSS link (from MSIE) onto tree to add a new news source * Tree ballon help now displays when item was published * Stores all RSS feeds in registry * Delete news feeds (right click a item) ---- TO DOs: 1. Take a store screen placement and state 1. Display Unicode correctly in the Tree ---- [male] - 16 June 2004: How do I update the RSS tree to contain the current information? Or does this happen automatically? [MPJ] - 21 June 2004: The new version now does every 5 minutes for each RSS feed. Or you can right click on a tree element and select a manual ''update''. ---- [Category Application] | [Category Internet]