Version 0 of Rshd and Rcp in Tcl

Updated 2004-07-09 01:41:23

This is a Tcl implentation of the Unix Remote Shell Server (rshd) and it also supports the remote copy command (rcp). I use it to save and load Cisco device configuration files and software images. I have not tested it with the rsh commands from a Unix host. You may need to tighten the security but I will leave that to others.

In the future I hope to combine it with TclHttpd Jeff Smith

 # Rshd.tcl is an implementation of the Unix Remote Shell Server and
 # also supports the remote copy command (rcp). This is an enhanced
 # version of Victor Wagner's "Rshd for Windows". Thanks to Victor and
 # all those who have contributed to the Tcler's Wiki.
 # Testing has been done using Cisco switches and routers which support
 # the rcp command. It can copy "to" and "from" the device, configuration
 # files and software images.

 # Set mynet to the IP address or IP address starting with.
 # eg or 10 or 10.8 or 10.8.200

 set mynet {10}

 proc Rshd_Accept {sock remote port} {
        global Rshd mynet
        upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

     if {$port>1024||![regexp "$mynet" $remote]} {
         puts "Refused connection from $remote:$port"
         close $sock
     } else {
         puts "Accepted connection $sock from $remote:$port"
         fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none
         fileevent $sock readable "RshdGet $sock"
         set data(remote) $remote

 proc RshdGet {sock} {
        global Rshd errorCode
        upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

    if [eof $sock] {
        close $sock
    } else {
        if {[info exist data(rcpflag)]} {
            if {[catch {rcp_control $sock} err]} {
                puts $err
                unset data
                close $sock
            } else {
        } else {
            append data(line) [read $sock ]
            if {[regexp "(.*)\0(.*)\0(.*)\0(.*)\0$" $data(line)]} {
                set l [split $data(line) "\0"]
                set data(stderr) [lindex $l 0]
                set data(remote_user) [lindex $l 1]
                set data(local_user) [lindex $l 2]
                set data(command) [lindex $l 3]
                set address 770
                if {$data(stderr)==""||$data(stderr)==0} {
                    # if no port for stderr supplied
                    set result stdout
                } else {
                    while {[catch {socket -myport $address\
                            $data(remote) $data(stderr)} result]} {
                            if {[lindex $errorCode 1]=="EADDRINUSE"} {
                                incr address
                            } else {
                              puts $result
                set data(stderr) $result
                parray ::Rshd$sock
                puts ""
                if [ catch {eval $data(command)} res]  {
                     puts $data(stderr) $res
                     unset data
                     close $sock
                } else {
                     puts -nonewline $sock $res
             } else {

 proc rshd {} {
 set base_socket [socket -server Rshd_Accept 514]
 vwait forever

 proc rcp {direction copy_file} {
           global Rshd
           upvar sock sock
           upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

           switch -exact -- $direction {
                  -t {
                      set data(rcpflag) t1
                      set data(copy_file) $copy_file
                      puts -nonewline $sock "\0\0"
                      return ""
                  -f {
                      set data(rcpflag) "f1"
                      send_file $sock $copy_file

 proc receive_file {sock copy_file} {
           global Rshd
           upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

                          set data(transferID) [lindex $data(line) 0]
                          set data(fileSize) [lindex $data(line) 1]
                          set data(fileName) [lindex $data(line) 2]
                          set data(rcpflag) t2
                          puts -nonewline $sock "\0"

 proc copy_data {sock} {
             global Rshd
             upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

             set fully_qualified_filename [file join [pwd] $data(copy_file)]
             set fp [open $fully_qualified_filename w]
             fconfigure $sock -translation binary
             fconfigure $fp -translation binary
             fcopy $sock $fp -size $data(fileSize)
             close $fp
             set data(rcpflag) t3

 proc rcp_control {sock} {
             global Rshd
             upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

            switch -exact -- $data(rcpflag) {
                  "t1" {
                        set data(line) [read $sock ]
                        receive_file $sock $data(copy_file)
                  "t2" {
                        copy_data $sock
                  "t3" {
                        set data(line) [read $sock ]
                        if {[string match $data(line) "\0"]} {
                            puts -nonewline $sock "\0\0"
                            set data(rcpflag) t4
                  "t4" {
                        unset data
                        close $sock
                  "f1" {
                        set data(line) [read $sock ]
                        if {[string match $data(line) "\0"]} {
                            set data(rcpflag) f2
                            puts -nonewline $sock "C0644 $data(fileSize) $data(copy_file)\n"
                  "f2" {
                        set data(line) [read $sock ]
                        if {[string match $data(line) "\0"]} {
                            send_copy $sock
                            unset data
                            close $sock

 proc send_file {sock copy_file} {
             global Rshd
             upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

                     if {[file exists $copy_file]} {
                         set data(copy_file) $copy_file
                         set data(fileSize) [file size $copy_file]
                         puts -nonewline $sock "\0"
                     } else {
                         error "No such file \"$copy_file\"!"

 proc send_copy {sock} {
             global Rshd
             upvar #0 Rshd$sock data

                      set fully_qualified_filename [file join [pwd] $data(copy_file)]
                      set fp [open $fully_qualified_filename r]
                      fconfigure $fp -translation binary
                      fconfigure $sock -translation binary
                      fcopy $fp $sock -size $data(fileSize)
                      close $fp
