Version 54 of Robotics

Updated 2016-01-05 01:53:43 by AMG


Because this wiki needs a page on robotics.

TCL code

A wish list for tcl packages for use in open source robotics projects:

  • native installed Tcl/Tk on the most common Raspberry Pi distributions" . This might be true already?
  • some application extensions to the Img package for image/video capture, manipulation motion detection so people can build themselves a tcl-powered camera .
  • a tcllib-like library for manipulating GPIO (inputs, controllers, feedback display, etc.) and interacting with a standard set of peripheral devices.
  • a tcllib-like library of algorithms for managing common robotic activities (movement, maze-solving, line-following, obstacle avoidance ,etc.)

Learning Resources

Robotics Competitions and Challenges

Does anyone know of Tcl being used in any competition projects?


Commerically available toys and hobby kits

  • Lego Mindstorms - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components. Check out the TclRCX page for a Tcl development environment for Mindstorms.

DIY projects

Projects you can build at home from scratch. Any plans available out there?

Robotics projects and kits for teaching children about technology

  • littleBits - component-based educational kits that connect together with magnets which allow young children to assemble working devices in seconds, and experiment with modifications. There is an Arduino coding kit available.
  • OzoBlocky - Makers of Ozobot Bit (video here ), a small, programmable robot used to teach block programming.

Robot Building Blocks

Places where TCLers may find components.

Central Processors


Motors, Actuators and other Devices


Land mobility

Water mobility

  • Blue Robotics - a relatively new company which recently launched its flagship T100 and T200 underwater thruster. They also now manufacture waterproof micro-controllers and actuators.

Air mobility


  • Lego Mindstorms - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components.
  • Vision - is an open source computer vision library. It does not appear to have a tcl API, though.

From the history File

  • This comp.lang.tcl post from 1994 reads like something that could have been posted last week: Tcl software to control a robot for a robot competition.