Version 36 of Robotics

Updated 2015-11-10 15:46:02 by vh


Because this wiki needs a page on robotics.

TCL code

A wish list for tcl packages for use in open source robotics projects:

Learning Resources

Robotics Competitions and Challenges

Does anyone know of Tcl being used in any competition projects? Anyone want to?


Commerically available toys and hobby kits

  • Lego Mindstorms - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components.

DIY projects

Projects you can build at home from scratch. Any plans available out there?

Robotics projects and kits for teaching children about technology

  • littleBits - component-based educational kits that connect together with magnets which allow young children to assemble working devices in seconds, and experiment with modifications. There is an Arduino coding kit available.
  • OzoBlocky - Makers of Ozobot Bit (video here ), a small, programmable robot used to teach block programming.


Places where TCLers may find components.

Central Processors


Motors, Actuators and other Devices

Land mobility

Water mobility

  • Blue Robotics - a relatively new company which recently launched its flagship T100 and T200 underwater thruster. They also now manufacture waterproof micro-controllers and actuators.

Air mobility


   *[|%Lego Mindstorms%|%] - Lego provides an EV3 programming software to connect and control components.

From the history File

  • This comp.lang.tcl post from 1994 reads like something that could have been posted last week: Tcl software to control a robot for a robot competition.