Version 66 of Robert Hicks

Updated 2010-02-10 02:11:44 by RLH

Also known as RLH

WikiDbImage bobhicks.jpg

  [string map {at @ x . ext .com} [append _ sigzero "at" gmail ext]]

To do list

  • Learn Snit or XOTcl better...
  • Learn Gnocl and help out if I can
  • A nagios-like server monitor in pure Tcl
  • Learn C


2006-04-25: I asked about heredoc like functionality on c.l.tcl because I did something with heredocs at work. I am not particularly drawn to heredocs but I thought it was cool. Tcl does it without any special mojo:

 # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} 

 # 1 issue -- There will be a blank line at the top and bottom
 # 2 issue -- The type quoting used with a Perl heredoc determines variable interpolation

 set v1 [exec whoami]
 set v2 [exec date]

 set msg "
 This will be a long multi-line message. 

 The variables \$v1 and \$v2 will interpolate in here as well.

 This is who I am logged in as:  $v1

 This is the date:  $v2

 puts $msg


  • none

[ Category Person ]