[[Explain why it's bad idea. Always. Point to Friedl RE, link to REs, refer to Perl FAQ, and ...]] [[Pertinent Perl stuff: * ASPN Cookbook 68432 [http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Rx/Recipe/68432] * lyris.com validator [www.lyris.com/help/HowdoIvalidateEmailAddressesinmyPerlprograms_.html] * miscellaneous CPAN stuff, including Mail::RFC822::Address * [Don Libes] wrote "Authentication by Email Reception" [http://www.nist.gov/msidlibrary/doc/libes96b.pdf] to describe "use of email addresses as an authentication mechanism ... [[which]] provides reasonable security at very low cost ..." [tcllib] / [mime] contains commands (mime::parseaddress, mostly) to parse email addresses.