Hi, I have a piece of my code I want redistribute like tcl package, also there is 2 png images needed for this code. How can I access them from my code? Thank you. ---- '''[arjen] - 2011-10-03 07:34:23''' Depending on the way you distribute your Tcl package (as source, as Tcl module or as starkit) you have several options. I will assume you have a Tcl source file and two PNG files in the same directory. Then put code like the following in the source file _outside of any procedure_: ====== # Get the images set dir [file dirname [info script]] set image1 [image create photo -file "$dir/image1.png"] set image2 [image create photo -file "$dir/image2.png"] ====== (When the file is being sourced, the command [[info script]] returns the full name - from that you can compute the name of other files in the same directory) [ZB] Most probably there's a need to have single file - one can use images in encoded form. Use the tool mmencode (AKA mimencode), then insert in your script the code the way like this: ====== set imgQuestion [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhIAAgAMIEAKoAAP8AAFWqqv+qAP///////////////yH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAgACAA AAObSLrc/tCNSeuIeIbNO8eSB4wkuQmgMnRlWwZoxpqcC8DRWpNCT2w2QKyhA/J8CmMLySgu hwSdi7lwLpvK42NXYkqfkOwIae1CG9le7Gs+owNjslhIhajl8Gfdjp+qUyF5R3+AWIJxe4Bs iG6Fi3eFYYKQkZJ0iZULd42ZUUacmStfnSGiRqSGVqCFHnmYkTOEqEmDq5GbtpWUIAkAOw==}] ====== ---- '''[Siqsuruq] - 2011-10-03 18:30:17''' Thank you for answers, that's exactly what I need. <> Uncategorized