[AMG]: I collected code from other Wiki pages on reading image dimensions of various formats ([GIF], [PNG], [JPEG], and [BMP]) and made a single [proc] that can determine the type and dimensions all at once. The argument is the name of the [channel] connected to the image data. The image is expected to begin at the current channel [seek] position, and the channel must have "binary" translation. The returned value is a one- or three-element [list]. The first element is the type, which is gif, png, jpeg, bmp, or unknown. The second and third elements are the image width and height in pixels; they're omitted if the first element is unknown. ====== proc imageinfo {chan} { set tell [chan tell $chan] if {[chan read $chan 16] eq "\211PNG\r\n\32\n\0\0\0\rIHDR"} { set type png binary scan [chan read $chan 8] II width height } elseif {"[chan seek $chan $tell][chan read $chan 6]" in {GIF87a GIF89a}} { set type gif binary scan [chan read $chan 4] ss width height } elseif {"[chan seek $chan $tell][chan read $chan 2]" eq "\377\330"} { set type jpeg while {![chan eof $chan]} { while {[chan read $chan 1] ne "\377"} {} while {[set byte [chan read $chan 1]] eq "\377"} {} if {$byte in {\300 \301 \302 \303 \305 \306 \307 \311 \312 \313 \315 \316 \317}} { binary scan [chan read $chan 7] x3SS height width break } else { binary scan [chan read $chan 2] S offset chan seek $chan [expr {($offset & 0xffff) - 2}] current } } } elseif {"[chan seek $chan $tell][chan read $chan 2]" eq "BM"} { set type bmp binary scan [chan read $chan 24] x16ii width height } if {[info exists type] && [info exists width] && [info exists height]} { list $type [expr {$width & 0xffff}] [expr {$height & 0xffff}] } else { list unknown } } ====== I designed it for use with the [SQLite] [[$db incrblob]] command, which produces a channel providing incremental access to a database blob. It's also suitable for use with ordinary file I/O. Remember to [close] the channel when you're done with it. Here's a version that operates directly on the image data: ====== proc imageinfo {data} { if {[string equal -length 16 $data \211PNG\r\n\32\n\0\0\0\rIHDR]} { set type png binary scan [string range $data 16 23] II width height } elseif {[string range $data 0 5] in {GIF87a GIF89a}} { set type gif binary scan [string range $data 6 9] ss width height } elseif {[string equal -length 2 $data \377\330]} { set type jpeg set pos 2 while {[regexp -start $pos {\377([^\377])(.{2,7})} $data _ mark args]} { if {$mark in {\300 \301 \302 \303 \305 \306 \307 \311 \312 \313 \315 \316 \317}} { binary scan $args x3SS height width break } else { binary scan $args S offset set pos [expr {$pos + ($offset & 0xffff) - 2}] } } } elseif {[string equal -length 2 $data BM]} { set type bmp binary scan [string range $data 18 25] ii width height } if {[info exists type] && [info exists width] && [info exists height]} { list $type [expr {$width & 0xffff}] [expr {$height & 0xffff}] } else { list unknown } } ====== ---- [PO] 2011/22/19 - Inspired by the code above, I've extended the image format list and came up with the following. ====== # Get information about an image file. # The procedure detects all image formats supplied by the Img extension. # It returns a 3-element list containing the image type, width and height. # Image type is the same string as needed for the "-format" option of the Img extension. # If the file format could not be identified, {"none" -1 -1} is returned. proc GetImageInfo { fileName } { set noImg [list "none" -1 -1] set imgInfo $noImg if { ! [file isfile $fileName] } { return $noImg } if { [file size $fileName] == 0 } { return $noImg } if { [catch { set fp [open $fileName "r"] fconfigure $fp -translation binary } errMsg] } { catch { close $fp } return $noImg } set test [read $fp 1024] if { [string match "GIF8?a*" $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 6 9] ss width height set imgInfo [list "gif" $width $height] } elseif { [string equal -length 16 $test "\x89PNG\r\n\32\n\0\0\0\rIHDR"] } { binary scan [string range $test 16 23] II width height set imgInfo [list "png" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "\xFF\xD8\xFF*" $test] } { binary scan $test x3H2x2a5 marker txt if { $marker eq "e0" && $txt eq "JFIF\x00" || \ $marker eq "e1" && $txt eq "Exif\x00" } { seek $fp 0 start read $fp 2 while { ! [eof $fp] } { # Search for the next marker, read the marker type byte, and throw out # any extra "ff"'s. while { [read $fp 1] ne "\xFF" } {} while { [set byte [read $fp 1]] eq "\xFF"} {} if { $byte in { \xc0 \xc1 \xc2 \xc3 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcd \xce \xcf }} { # This is the SOF marker; read a chunk of data containing the dimensions. binary scan [read $fp 7] x3SS height width break } else { # This is not the the SOF marker; read in the offset of the next marker. binary scan [read $fp 2] S offset # The offset includes itself own two bytes so subtract them, then move # ahead to the next marker. seek $fp [expr {$offset - 2}] current } } set imgInfo [list "jpeg" $width $height] } } elseif { [string match "II\*\x00*" $test] || [string match "MM\x00\**" $test] } { if { [string match "MM\x00\**" $test] } { set endian bigendian } else { set endian smallendian } set byteFmt "c" if { $endian eq "smallendian" } { set longFmt "i" set shortFmt "s" } else { set longFmt "I" set shortFmt "S" } set typesFmt(1) $byteFmt set typesFmt(3) $shortFmt set typesFmt(4) $longFmt seek $fp 4 start set tiff [read $fp 4] binary scan $tiff $longFmt offset seek $fp $offset start set tiff [read $fp 2] binary scan $tiff $shortFmt numDirs while { $numDirs > 0 } { set tiff [read $fp 12] binary scan [string range $tiff 0 1] $shortFmt tag if { $tag == 256 || $tag == 257 } { binary scan [string range $tiff 2 3] $shortFmt type if { [info exists typesFmt($type)] } { binary scan [string range $tiff 8 11] $typesFmt($type) val if { $tag == 256 } { set width $val } else { set height $val } } } if { [info exists width] && [info exists height] } { break } incr numDirs -1 } set imgInfo [list "tiff" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "P\[356\]\[\x0a\x0d\]*" $test] } { if [regexp {P[356]\s*#} $test] { seek $fp 0 start gets $fp line while { [gets $fp line] >= 0 } { if { ! [string match "#*" $line] } { break } } scan $line "%d %d" width height } else { regexp {(P[356])\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)} $test -> fmt width height } set imgInfo [list "ppm" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "/\* XPM*" $test] } { regexp {(\/\* XPM.*\")(\d+)\s+(\d+)} $test -> dummy width height set imgInfo [list "xpm" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "#define *" $test] } { regexp -line {(#define .*)\s+(\d+)\s+(#define .*)\s+(\d+)\s+} $test \ -> dummy1 width dummy2 height set imgInfo [list "xbm" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "\x59\xa6\x6a\x95*" $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 4 12] II width height set imgInfo [list "sun" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "\x01\xda*" $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 6 9] SS width height set imgInfo [list "sgi" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "\xda\x01*" $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 6 9] ss width height set imgInfo [list "sgi" $width $height] } elseif { [regexp {^[\x0a].+.+[\x01\x08]} $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 4 12] ssss x1 y1 x2 y2 set width [expr {$x2 - $x1 + 1}] set height [expr {$y2 - $y1 + 1}] set imgInfo [list "pcx" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "BM*" $test] && ([string range $test 6 9] eq "\x00\x00\x00\x00") } { binary scan [string range $test 14 14] c bmpType if { $bmpType == 40 || $bmpType == 64 } { binary scan [string range $test 18 25] ii width height } elseif { $bmpType == 12 } { binary scan [string range $test 18 21] ss width height } set imgInfo [list "bmp" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "\x00\x00\x01\x00*" $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 4 8] scc numImgs width height set imgInfo [list "ico" $width $height] } elseif { [string equal -length 3 "UHL" $test] && \ [string equal -length 3 "DSI" [string range $test 80 83]] } { set offset1 [expr {80 + 281}] set offset2 [expr {$offset1 + 4}] scan [string range $test $offset1 [expr $offset1+3]] "%d" height scan [string range $test $offset2 [expr $offset2+3]] "%d" width set imgInfo [list "dted" $width $height] } elseif { [string match "Magic=RAW*" $test] } { regexp {Magic=RAW\s+(Width=)(\d+)\s+(Height=)(\d+)\s+} $test \ -> dummy1 width dummy2 height set imgInfo [list "raw" $width $height] } elseif { [regexp {^.+[\x00\x01][\x01-\x03\x09-\x0b].{13}[\x08\x0f\x10\x18\x20]} $test] } { binary scan [string range $test 12 16] ss width height set imgInfo [list "tga" $width $height] } close $fp if { [lindex $imgInfo 1] <= 0 || [lindex $imgInfo 2] <= 0 } { return $noImg } return $imgInfo } ====== Here is a test program to recursively check image files in a directory. I have tested several thousand image files with success. If you have an image file not recognized correctly, please let me know. ====== # Test program to recursively check image files in a directory. set optCheckAgainstImg false set optFilePattern "*" if { $argc == 0 } { set dir [pwd] } else { set dir [lindex $argv 0] if { $argc > 1 } { set optFilePattern [lindex $argv 1] } if { $argc > 2 } { set optCheckAgainstImg [lindex $argv 2] } } proc GetDirList {dirName \ {showDirs 1} {showFiles 1} \ {showHiddenDirs 1} {showHiddenFiles 1} \ {dirPattern *} {filePattern *}} { set curDir [pwd] set catchVal [catch {cd $dirName}] if { $catchVal } { return [list] } set absDirList [list] set relFileList [list] if { $showDirs } { set relDirList [glob -nocomplain -types d -- {*}$dirPattern] foreach dir $relDirList { if { [string index $dir 0] eq "~" } { set dir [format "./%s" $dir] } set absName [file join $dirName $dir] lappend absDirList $absName } if { $showHiddenDirs } { set relHiddenDirList \ [glob -nocomplain -types {d hidden} -- {*}$dirPattern] foreach dir $relHiddenDirList { if { $dir eq "." || $dir eq ".." } { continue } set absName [file join $dirName $dir] lappend absDirList $absName } } } if { $showFiles } { set relFileList [glob -nocomplain -types f -- {*}$filePattern] if { $showHiddenFiles } { set relHiddenFileList \ [glob -nocomplain -types {f hidden} -- {*}$filePattern] if { [llength $relHiddenFileList] != 0 } { set relFileList [concat $relFileList $relHiddenFileList] } } } cd $curDir return [list $absDirList $relFileList] } proc FindRecursive { srcDir filePattern checkAgainstImg } { global tcl_platform errorInfo puts "FindRecursive $srcDir $filePattern $checkAgainstImg" if { ! [file isdirectory $srcDir] } { return -code error "\"$srcDir\" is not a directory" } set retVal [catch { cd $srcDir } ] if { $retVal } { return -code error "Could not read directory \"$srcDir\"" } # Note: GetDirList returns directory names as absolute pathes, # file names as relative pathnames. set dirCont [GetDirList $srcDir 1 1 1 1 * $filePattern] if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" } { set matchCmd "string match" } else { set matchCmd "string match -nocase" } set dirList [lsort [lindex $dirCont 0]] foreach dir $dirList { set dirName [file tail $dir] if { [string first "~" $dirName] == 0 } { # File starts with tilde. set dirName [format "./%s" $dirName] } FindRecursive $dir $filePattern $checkAgainstImg } set fileList [lsort [lindex $dirCont 1]] foreach fileName $fileList { if { [string first "~" $fileName] == 0 } { # File starts with tilde. set fileName [format "./%s" $fileName] } set srcNative [file nativename [file join $srcDir $fileName]] # Check if file matches the patterns in given in search window. # Compare only the pure filename, not the path part. set pureFileName [file tail $fileName] set ignore 1 if { [eval $matchCmd {$filePattern $pureFileName}] } { set ignore 0 } if { $ignore } { continue } set imgInfo [GetImageInfo $srcNative] foreach { fileType fileWidth fileHeight } $imgInfo { break } puts -nonewline [format "%s: %s" $srcNative $fileType] if { $fileType ne "none" } { puts -nonewline " $fileWidth $fileHeight" if { $checkAgainstImg } { set catchVal [catch {image create photo -file $srcNative -format $fileType} img] if { $catchVal } { puts -nonewline " NOIMAGE" } else { set imgWidth [image width $img] set imgHeight [image height $img] image delete $img if { $imgWidth == $fileWidth && \ $imgHeight == $fileHeight } { puts -nonewline " OK" } else { puts -nonewline " FAIL ($imgWidth x $imgHeight)" } } } } puts "" } } if { $optCheckAgainstImg } { package require Img FindRecursive $dir $optFilePattern true } else { FindRecursive $dir $optFilePattern false } exit 0 ====== ---- **See also** * [Reading GIF image dimensions] * [Reading PNG image dimensions] * [Reading JPEG image dimensions] * [Reading BMP image dimensions] <> Graphics | File