Ramble is the name I've given to a computer game I'm writing for my kids (in Tcl/Tk, of course). I've begun posting a series of essays about the game's design on my weblog [http://foothills.wjduquette.com]; some of them delve into things of interest to Tcler's, so I'm going to put links to them here. -- [WHD] * Background: [http://foothills.wjduquette.com/archives/000974.html] * Efficient Matrices: [http://foothills.wjduquette.com/archives/000975.html] (and tangentially on an efficient implementation of [fori]) * Randomness: [http://foothills.wjduquette.com/archives/000977.html] * Matrix Coordinates: [http://foothills.wjduquette.com/archives/000978.html]