Version 19 of Playing with TclOO

Updated 2007-11-02 00:12:03 by dkf

Richard Suchenwirth 2007-10-20 - Now that I have TclOO both at work and home, and another weekend comes up, it's obvious that I wanted to play with it, just for finger practice. Barking dogs have been demonstrated elsewhere, but I decided to start with another classic example, a bank account.

 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh85
 package require TclOO
 namespace import oo::*
 catch {Account destroy} ;# in case of repeated sourcing

 class create Account {
    constructor {{ownerName undisclosed}} {
        my variable total overdrawLimit owner
        set total 0
        set overdrawLimit 10
        set owner $ownerName 
    method deposit amount {
        my variable total
        set total [expr {$total + $amount}]
    method withdraw amount {
        my variable {*}[info object vars [self]] ;# "auto-import" all variables
        if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
            error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
        set total [expr {$total - $amount}]
    method transfer {amount targetAccount} {
        my variable total
        my withdraw $amount
        $targetAccount deposit $amount
        set total
    destructor {
        my variable total
        if {$total} {puts "remaining $total will be given to charity"}

if 0 {Due to the simple hierarchy of TclOO (every class is an instance of oo::class, which is an instance of oo::object), it is not very hard to add development helper methods that each object inherits:}

 define oo::object method dump {{pat *}} {
    set res [list class [info object class [self]]]
    foreach i [info object vars [self] $pat] {
        my variable $i
        lappend res $i [set $i]
    set res

#-- "Test suite"

 foreach cmd [split {
    set a [Account new "John Doe"]
    $a deposit 200
    $a deposit 20
    $a withdraw 150
    $a withdraw 100
    $a dump
    set b [Account new]
    $a transfer 65 $b
    $a dump
    $b dump
    $a transfer 1000000 $b
    $b destroy
 } \n] {
    catch $cmd res
    puts "$cmd -> $res"

if 0 {which prints

    set a [Account new "John Doe"] -> ::oo::Obj36
    $a deposit 200 -> 200
    $a deposit 20 -> 220
    $a withdraw 150 -> 70
    $a withdraw 100 -> Can't overdraw - total: 70, limit: 10
    $a dump -> class ::Account total 70 overdrawLimit 10 owner {John Doe}
    set b [Account new] -> ::oo::Obj37
    $a transfer 65 $b -> 5
    $a dump -> class ::Account total 5 overdrawLimit 10 owner {John Doe}
    $b dump -> class ::Account total 65 overdrawLimit 10 owner undisclosed
    $a transfer 1000000 $b -> Can't overdraw - total: 5, limit: 10
 remaining 65 will be given to charity
    $b destroy ->

Interactive testing is, as usual with Tcl, a good way to learn. In the following case, it shows that variables are not exactly protected from hack attacks:

 % set $a\::total 1000000
 % $a dump
 class ::Account total 1000000 overdrawLimit 10 owner {John Doe}

So better not deploy a real banking software based on this code :^) On the lighter side, introspection works as we all know and love, for easy "online help":

 % class help
 unknown method "help": must be create, destroy or dump
 % Account help
 unknown method "help": must be create, destroy, dump or new
 % $a help
 unknown method "help": must be deposit, destroy, dump, transfer or withdraw

Another issue: member variables must be explicitly imported into methods (similar to namespace rules). If you prefer the C++ style (all member variables implicitly known), one hackish solution was demonstrated in the withdraw method above, and here's some sugar-coating if you want it more often:

 proc all_my_variables {} {
    uplevel 1 {my variable {*}[info object vars [self]]}

so the method can then look like

    method withdraw amount {
        if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
            error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
        set total [expr {$total - $amount}]

To distinguish members and others, one might then use the C++ convention that member names end in "_".

To summarize my first impressions, TclOO can be used well as an OO system in itself. I haven't even used all features as documented in TIP #257. So when I'll need some OO in the future, I can probably just use this, and do without incr Tcl or XOTcl ... :^)


The most part of the above example was also included in - everyone is welcome to make it better!

DKF: Well, you can go one better:

 oo::class create class {
    superclass oo::class
    constructor {args} {
       my variable vars
       set vars {}
       next {*}$args
    method global {variable {initValue {}}} {
       my variable vars
       lappend vars $variable $initValue
    method constructor {args body} {
       my variable vars
       set body0 {}
       foreach {var val} $vars {append body0 [list variable $var $val] \;}
       oo::define [self] constructor $args $body0$body
    method method {name args body} {
       my variable vars
       set body0 {}
       foreach {var val} $vars {append body0 [list variable $var] \;}
       oo::define [self] method $name $args $body0$body
    method destructor body {
       my variable vars
       set body0 {}
       foreach {var val} $vars {append body0 [list variable $var] \;}
       oo::define [self] destructor $body0$body

 class create Account
 Account global total 0
 Account global overdrawLimit 10
 Account global owner
 Account constructor {{ownerName undisclosed}} {
    set owner $ownerName 
 Account method deposit amount {
    set total [expr {$total + $amount}]
 Account method withdraw amount {
    if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
       error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
    set total [expr {$total - $amount}]
 Account method transfer {amount targetAccount} {
    my withdraw $amount
    $targetAccount deposit $amount
    return $total
 Account destructor {
    if {$total} {puts "remaining $total will be given to charity"}

DKF: And then there's another step beyond...

 oo::class create globalizedClass {
    superclass oo::class
    constructor {args} {
       my variable vars
       set vars {}
       foreach m {global constructor method destructor} {
          interp alias {} [self namespace]::$m {} [self] $m
       my eval {*}$args
    method global {variable {initValue {}}} {
       my variable vars
       lappend vars $variable $initValue
    method constructor {args body} {
       my variable vars
       set body0 variable
       foreach {var val} $vars {lappend body0 $var $val}
       oo::define [self] constructor $args $body0\;$body
    method method {name args body} {
       my variable vars
       set body0 {my variable}
       foreach {var val} $vars {lappend body0 $var}
       oo::define [self] method $name $args $body0\;$body
    method destructor body {
       my variable vars
       set body0 {my variable}
       foreach {var val} $vars {lappend body0 $var}
       oo::define [self] destructor $body0\;$body

 globalizedClass create Account {
    global total 0
    global overdrawLimit 10
    global owner
    constructor {{ownerName undisclosed}} {
       set owner $ownerName
    method deposit amount {
       set total [expr {$total + $amount}]
    method withdraw amount {
       if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
          error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
       set total [expr {$total - $amount}]
    method transfer {amount targetAccount} {
       my withdraw $amount
       $targetAccount deposit $amount
       return $total
    destructor {
       if {$total} {puts "remaining $total will be given to charity"}

It's because it can support this sort of thing that I like to think of TclOO as being a kit for building OO systems.

SL: Another interesting customizing on the meta-class oo::class inspired by Putting Metaclasses to Work [Ira R. Forman, Scott H. Danforth]:

Each newly created oo::object should contain a timestamp, holding the creation-time of each instance.

One implementation is called instance method:

 oo::class create ctimestamped {
     method create {args} {        
         next {*}$args
         oo::define [lindex $args 0] constructor {args} {
             my variable timestamp
             set timestamp [clock seconds]
             next {*}$args
         oo::define [lindex $args 0] method getCreationTime {} {
             my variable timestamp
             return $timestamp
 oo::define oo::class mixin ctimestamped
 set a [Account new]
 $a getCreationTime

The timestamp is located in the class instance as well as the retrieving function.

Another implementation is called class method:

 oo::class create ctimestamped {
     method create {args} {
         next {*}$args
         oo::define [lindex $args 0] constructor {args} {
             my variable timestamp
             set timestamp [clock seconds]
             next {*}$args
     method getCreationTime object {
         set ${object}::timestamp
 oo::define oo::class mixin ctimestamped
 set a [Account new]
 Account getCreationTime $a

The timestamp is located in the class instance, but the retrieving function is located in the meta-class oo::class.

Category Example Category Object orientation