Version 0 of Playing with TclOO

Updated 2007-10-20 10:51:34 by suchenwi

Richard Suchenwirth 2007-10-20 - Now that I have TclOO both at work and home, and another weekend comes up, it's obvious that I wanted to play with it, just for finger practice. Barking dogs have been demonstrated elsewhere, but I decided to start with another classic example, a bank account.

 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh85
 package require TclOO
 namespace import oo::*
 catch {Account destroy} ;# in case of repeated sourcing
 class create Account {
        constructor {{ownerName undisclosed}} {
        my variable total overdrawLimit owner
        set total 0
        set overdrawLimit 10
        set owner $ownerName 
        method deposit amount {
        my variable total
        set total [expr {$total + $amount}]
    method withdraw amount {
        my variable {*}[info object vars [self]]
        if {($amount - $total) > $overdrawLimit} {
            error "Can't overdraw - total: $total, limit: $overdrawLimit"
        set total [expr {$total - $amount}]
    method transfer {amount targetAccount} {
        my variable total
        my withdraw $amount
        $targetAccount deposit $amount
        set total

if 0 {Due to the simple hierarchy of TclOO (every class is an instance of oo::class, which is an instance of oo::object), it is not very hard to add development helper methods that each object inherits:}

 define oo::object method dump {{pat *}} {
    set res [list class [info object class [self]]]
    foreach i [info object vars [self] $pat] {
        my variable $i
        lappend res $i [set $i]
    set res

#-- "Test suite"

 foreach cmd [split {
    set a [Account new "John Doe"]
    $a deposit 200
    $a deposit 20
    $a withdraw 150
    $a withdraw 100
    $a dump
    set b [Account new]
    $a transfer 65 $b
    $a dump
    $b dump
    $a transfer 1000000 $b
 } \n] {
    catch $cmd res
    puts "$cmd -> $res"

if 0 {which prints

    set a [Account new "John Doe"] -> ::oo::Obj36
    $a deposit 200 -> 200
    $a deposit 20 -> 220
    $a withdraw 150 -> 70
    $a withdraw 100 -> Can't overdraw - total: 70, limit: 10
    $a dump -> class ::Account total 70 overdrawLimit 10 owner {John Doe}
    set b [Account new] -> ::oo::Obj37
    $a transfer 65 $b -> 5
    $a dump -> class ::Account total 5 overdrawLimit 10 owner {John Doe}
    $b dump -> class ::Account total 65 overdrawLimit 10 owner undisclosed
    $a transfer 1000000 $b -> Can't overdraw - total: 5, limit: 10


Category Example Category Object orientation