Version 5 of Pixane

Updated 2006-02-03 16:00:11 by suchenwi

Image handling and transformation from Tcl (Tk not required). Part of the eTcl distribution for Win32, Linux and Windows Mobile (aka PocketPC). Will be soon available as stub-enabled extension for Win32 and Linux/x86.

RS 2006-02-03 - Example code: display an image file (JPEG or others, what Tk itself has not built-in) in the eTcl console:

#-- Convert a "pixane" image to a Tk photo

 proc piximg file {
   package req pixane
   set p [pixane create]
   pixane load $p -file $file
   K [pixcopy $p] [pixane delete $p]

#-- Export procs to the console interpreter (see corp and K for details)

 console eval [corp piximg]
 console eval [corp K]

#-- The viewer now is similar to see described on console page:

 proc see2 file {
   set im [console eval [list piximg $file]]
   console eval [list .console image create end -image $im]

RS has tested that pixane 0.3 as came with eTcl 1.0pl6, on PocketPC, works well with the following formats: GIF, PNG (most), JPEG, BMP (uncompressed). So for my purposes, it is quite a good substitute for the Img package, which isn't avaliable on PocketPC.

Category Package - Category Image Processing