Version 1 of Physical empirical formulae

Updated 2006-05-05 06:48:16 by AM

Arjen Markus (4 may 2006) It occurred to me that we do not yet have a decent module in Tcllib yet that collects the various physical empirical formulae. So, right now, if I want to compute the water content of air, I have to hunt the Internet for the right formula. Similarly, the density of water as a function of temperature and salinity.

I am probably not the only one with that little problem, so I propose to collect such formulae here (with a reference) so that later we can simply wrap them up in a package/module for Tcllib.

A formula for the humidity content of air:

   set vapordens [expr {5.018+0.32321*$td+8.1847e-3*$td*$td+3.1243e-4*$td*$td*$td}]


  • td the dewpoint temperature in degrees C
  • vapordens the water vapour density in g water/m3


IDG May 04 2006: All empirical formulae need to have their range of validity stated. Note what happens to the above as td -> infinity :-)

AM Ah! Good thinking! I have added the valid range.

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