Version 13 of Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

Updated 2007-05-19 22:12:06 by FF

FF 2007-05-20 - Today, while studying chemistry, I needed some distraction (mainly an excuse to leave my chemistry book alone for a while). I searched for a periodic table visualizer on the wiki, but couldn't find one. So I've made it. The basic version was just 120 lines long and it took about an hour... then I made it more complete, adding a popup showing every available detail from periodic.xml [L1 ]

I used tDOM package for parsing XML, using XPath to keep things simple.

 # This line continues for Tcl, but is a single line for 'sh' \
 exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

 package require Tk 8.4
 package require tdom
 grid [canvas .c -width 991 -height 601] -row 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news

 proc ' {an aw os en ar sym conf name bg gr per} {
        global c
        set tags atom_$an
        set fon1 [list Helvetica 8 bold] ; set fon2 [list Helvetica 9 bold]
        set fon3 [list Helvetica 8]      ; set fon4 [list Helvetica 18 bold]
        set w 55 ; set w2 [expr $w-2] ; set wh [expr $w/2] ; set h 60
        set bgcol [string map {y #f9df4e o #e5883d b #489dc4 g #5dc448} $bg]
        .c create rectangle 0 0 $w $h -tags [list $tags hov_$an] -fill $bgcol
        .c create text 2 2 -text $an -font $fon2 -anchor nw -tags $tags
        .c create text $w2 2 -text $aw -font $fon1 -anchor ne -tags $tags
        .c create text $w2 12 -text $os -font $fon3 -anchor ne -tags $tags
        if {$en > 0} {
         .c create text 2 22 -text $en -font $fon1 -anchor nw -tags $tags
        if {$ar > 0} {
         .c create text 2 32 -text $ar -font $fon1 -anchor nw -tags $tags
        .c create text $w2 27 -text $sym -font $fon4 -anchor ne -tags $tags
        .c create text $wh 58 -text $conf -font $fon1 -anchor s -tags $tags
        .c move $tags [expr ($gr-1)*$w+1] [expr ($per-1)*$h+1]
        .c bind $tags <ButtonPress-1> "@ $an %x %y"

 proc @ {an x y} {
        global root
        .c delete infobox
        puts "@ an:$an x:$x y:$y"
        set by 30 ; set bw 400 ; set bh 360 ; set bx 70
        if {$y < 210} {
                set by1 [expr $by+$bh*0.25] ; set by2 [expr $by+$bh*0.5]
        } else {
                set by1 [expr $by+$bh*0.5] ; set by2 [expr $by+$bh*0.75]
        if {$x < 500} {
                if {$x < 200} {set bx 250} {set bx 570}
                set DX [expr $bx+$bw] ; set DY $by1
                set IX $x ; set IY $y
        } else {
                if {$x > 820} {set bx 400}
                set DX $x ; set DY $y
                set IX $bx ; set IY $by1
        set bxw [expr $bx+$bw] ; set byh [expr $by+$bh]
        .c create polygon $bx $by $bxw $by $bxw $by1 $DX $DY $bxw $by2 \
                $bxw $byh $bx $byh $bx $by2 $IX $IY $bx $by1 $bx $by \
                -fill black -outline black -tags {infobox infobox_shadow}
        .c move infobox_shadow 2 2
        .c create polygon $bx $by $bxw $by $bxw $by1 $DX $DY $bxw $by2 \
                $bxw $byh $bx $byh $bx $by2 $IX $IY $bx $by1 $bx $by \
                -fill white -outline black -tags infobox
        .c bind infobox <ButtonPress-1> ".c delete infobox"

        set tt {infobox infobox_text}
        puts "root=$root"
        set node [$root selectNodes //ATOM\[ATOMIC_NUMBER=$an\]]
        puts "node $root selectNodes //ATOM\[ATOMIC_NUMBER=$an\]"
        puts "node=$node"
        set byt [expr $by+60]
        set bxwt [expr $bxw-10]
        foreach child [$node childNodes] {
                set nn [string map {"_" " "} [$child nodeName]]
                set txt [join [split [$child text] "\n\r\t "] ""]
                if {[$child hasAttribute UNITS]} {
                        set txt "$txt [$child getAttribute UNITS]"
                if {$nn == "SYMBOL"} {
                        set SYMBOL $txt
                } elseif {$nn == "ATOMIC NUMBER"} {
                } else {
                        .c create text $bx $byt -text "$nn" \
                                -font {Helvetica 8 bold} -anchor nw -tags $tt
                        .c create text $bxwt $byt -text "$txt" \
                                -font {Helvetica 10} -anchor ne -tags $tt
                        incr byt 16
        .c create text $bx $by -text $SYMBOL -font {Helvetica 48 bold} -anchor nw -tags $tt
        .c create text $bxwt $by -text $an -font {Helvetica 40 bold} -anchor ne -tags $tt
        .c move infobox_text 5 5

 set fp [open periodic.xml r] ; set xml [read $fp] ; close $fp
 set doc [dom parse $xml] ; set root [$doc documentElement]
 for {set p 1} {$p <= 7} {incr p} {
        for {set g 1} {$g <= 18} {incr g} {
                if {$ATOMIC_NUMBER > 111 || $p == 1 && $g > 1 && $g < 18 \
                    || $p < 4 && $g > 2 && $g < 13} {continue}
                foreach v $fields {set $v {}}
                set node [$root selectNodes //ATOM\[ATOMIC_NUMBER=$ATOMIC_NUMBER\]]
                foreach child [$node childNodes] {
                        set nn [$child nodeName]
                        if {[lsearch -exact $fields $nn] >= 0} {
                                set $nn [join [split [$child text] "\n\r\t "] ""]
                set col [lindex {y o b} [expr ($g<3||$p==1)?0:($g<13?1:2)]]
                if {$ATOMIC_NUMBER == 57 || $ATOMIC_NUMBER == 89} {
                        incr ATOMIC_NUMBER 15
                } else {
                        incr ATOMIC_NUMBER
 for {set p 9} {$p <= 10} {incr p} {
        for {set g 4} {$g <= 17} {incr g} {
                foreach v $fields {set $v {}}
                set node [$root selectNodes //ATOM\[ATOMIC_NUMBER=$ATOMIC_NUMBER\]]
                foreach child [$node childNodes] {
                        set nn [$child nodeName]
                        if {[lsearch -exact $fields $nn] >= 0} {
                                set $nn [join [split [$child text] "\n\r\t "] ""]
                incr ATOMIC_NUMBER
        incr ATOMIC_NUMBER 18

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